Traveling along the Coast of Kenya

Urooj Qureshi
Living Being
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2012

(Scroll down for photos)

Whenever I thought of Kenya I imagined lions, zebra’s and other wild life roaming the Savannah. My mind conjured up images of Masai and other tribes dressed in traditional regalia performing dances and other rituals. I was thrilled about visiting and exploring the our roots as a species in the Rift Valley where we first appeared according to latest scientific data. While I have still to explore those sights and landscapes, I have developed a completely different, wonderful image of Kenya having spent over 2 weeks on the coast.

Kenya’s coast is far from the image of wild Africa. It’s an agora, a historic meeting place of great traders and cultures from as far as the tip of Europe to the corners of Asia. It’s the site of beaches most of us have only seen in exotic travel magazines and in dreams of escaping to white sandy beaches, lush tropical forest, and incredible marine life.

I’ve been from Tiwi, just south of Mombasa, all the way up to Lamu, a beautiful archipelago immersed in culture and lost in time. It’s been a rewarding experience volunteering in Malindi where my schedule has been to start the day with a run, yoga, or meditation on a golden beach, a swim to wipe off the sweat then followed by a breakfast of delicious fresh mangoes, papaya, or pineapple. The climate is hot and humid but it’s hard to complain when I look in to the endless blue horizon, climb rocky islands in low-tide, sip on fresh coconut milk, discover historic world cultures and monuments and work with an incredible community organization. I haven’t put on closed shoes in 2 weeks! No need in this weather and laid back culture.

Here’s a small collection photographs I have taken all along the coastal areas in Kenya that are sure to impress — and I am talking about the magic of the landscape, culture and people here.


View of Mombasa coast line from Fort Jesus
“Scarves in the Wind”, Mombasa Beach
White sandy beach near Mombasa Backpackers, Mombasa

Lamu Archipelago

The most scenic view from a bed on Banda Island Beach
Starting line for the donkey races during Lamu Cultural Festival, Lamu Old Town
Dhow floating by on the Indian Ocean at sunset, Banda Beach


Rocky island during low-tide on Watamu Beach
White sandy beach and coconut palms in Watamu


Monument built by Vasco da Gama of Portugal on Casuarina Beach, Malindi
A nice cold one while jotting down reflections in the breeze, Casuarina Beach, Malindi

Surely, I need not say more. The photos’ speak for themselves.

About The Author

Urooj Qureshi is pro Adventurer and storyteller. Follow his adventures on Instagram @uroojqureshi.

Originally published at on November 24, 2012.



Urooj Qureshi
Living Being

Founder and Principal at Design Centered Co. by day, and passionate adventurer, amateur anthropologist, and proud father. Let’s discuss #impact.