This is How To Know Which is the Best Type of Yoga for the Clueless

When You’re New to Yoga

Laura Daly
Living Better by laura
15 min readNov 22, 2017


Advice From a New Yogi

So, you’ve been thinking about trying yoga. What’s holding you back? Are you confused? Overwhelmed? I get it. I’ve been down that winding road and it’s easy to get lost. But the path doesn’t have to be intimidating. Read on and I’ll map it out for you.

Difficult Steps on the First Leg of the Journey

Over year ago, I became interested in trying yoga. I decided to research classes being held near me. What I found was an endless list of classes and styles of yoga. There were strange Sanskrit terms and new methods I’d never heard of. What were the differences? Where should I start? I had no idea which road to take from there.

How many people throw in the yoga towel at this point and give up. I almost did. I was frustrated and hesitant. Eventually, I conquered my fears, moved forward, and fell in love with yoga. My advice? Don’t toss in that towel too soon. You can find a yoga practice that’ll work for you… if, unlike me, you go about your search more systematically.

The New Kid in the Group

Newbies to yoga don’t look alike, so a one-size-fits-all doesn’t exist. A newcomer could be a professional athlete considering a 360 departure from a regular sport wanting to gain flexibility and balance. A young or elder beginner could be plagued by joint injuries, looking to maintain functional ability? Or, the new kid might be someone like me. I wanted an all-body fitness routine to benefit my health but, also, one I could enjoy. Pleasure equals motivation in my guidebook.

The Right Track

Don’t let an initial uncertainty and lack of information prevent you from giving yoga a shot… like I almost did. Getting off on the right foot goes a long way in discovering a real passion. Especially when starting a new endeavor.

Step one: You need to learn about the different forms of yoga. Age, natural flexibility, fitness level, and personality type are all factors to consider in deciding on the right class to begin your journey.

Step two: Your next objective is to find the right yoga studio to help you become acquainted with the practice.

Step 1: Understanding the 9 Common Types of Yoga + Tips and Health Notes For Beginning Yogis

By studying the different types of yoga, you can eliminate classes that don’t suit you and may not be ideal for new students.

Among these 9 common styles of yoga you will discover methods that are the perfect starting place for a new student. Other types require an advanced understanding of yoga skills. These would not be the best introduction to your new routine.

Let intuition be your guide. With a firm understanding of what’s involved you can get the right start. This could turn out to be a profound journey of mind, body and spirit.


Ashtanga Yoga is highly structured and composed of five set series. Each class features specific postures — always done in the same sequence. In other words, you’ll perform the same poses, in the same order, every time, in every class. Ashtanga is one of the longer classes. Each class is at least 90 minutes, or longer depending on the level.

Ashtanga is a challenging form of yoga. The sheer number of postures and sequences performed constitutes a thorough, rigorous workout.

Who will like Ashtanga? People who prefer the predictable. If you’re the type who prefers knowing what to expect, with no surprises, then Ashtanga is the style for you. You’ll always know what’s coming up next in class. Ashtanga is for people looking for a vigorous, not tranquil, form of yoga.

Is Ashtanga right for beginners? It’s not ideal for a beginner’s first yoga class. You’re expected to know the poses and routines of Ashtanga. Beginners should consider Ashtanga after becoming comfortable with enough poses to participate in a quick moving class.

Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga is the latest, hottest yoga craze — pun intended. You will acquire a hot body in this class. Hottie status comes from practicing in a heated room. And, not just heated — it’s hot, hot, hot.

In Hot Yoga, any style of yoga may be used. But it’s always performed in a hot room. Types of hot yoga are Baptiste Power Yoga, Moksha, Forrest, and TriBalance. Heat allows the muscles to warm up quickly. Warm muscles allow you to move deeper (and wider) into poses.

Some Hot Yoga methods utilize an structured sequence of poses, similar to Ashtanga. This type of Hot Yoga would be a difficult starting place for a beginner who doesn’t know basic poses and breathing techniques. However, there are less methodical styles and introductory classes that are ideal hotspots for newcomers to both heat and yoga.

Tips for all Forms of Hot Yoga:

  1. You’ll drip sweat onto your yoga mat in any Hot Yoga class. A lot of sweat. Keep a towel(s) handy for wiping wet hands, face and feet. Don’t apply lotion to hands and feet prior to class. Or, wash hands and feet before class to remove any skin oil or residual lotion to prevent slipping. There are yoga mats specifically designed for use in Hot Yoga. They are built to be more absorbent and “sticky”.
  2. Since you’ll be drenched in sweat during this class, plan accordingly for time to shower if you have engagements following class.

Who will like Hot Yoga? People who don’t feel they’ve had a good workout unless they break a sweat. Fitness buffs, runners and athletes of all sports appreciate the challenge and sweat-inducing aspects of Hot Yoga.

Is Hot Yoga right for beginners? Beginners can find a home in Hot Yoga by starting with a introductory or slower paced class with the right instructor. It’s best to start any type of strenuous or hot method with a beginner level class so you can acclimate to your new practice and the heat.

*Health notes on hot class temperature: Yoga is rarely practiced in a cool room except for some Yin Yoga classes. Some degree of warmth, especially at the beginning of a class, helps muscles and joints to loosen up.

It’s much easier to overstretch and injure yourself in a hot class. Take care not to push too far into poses.

It’s easy to dehydrate in any heated environment. Drinking fluids — prior to, during, and after class is an absolute must if you want to thrive and survive a hot yoga class.


Bikram is a specific form of hot yoga. It was one of the first major yoga styles to be performed in a heated room. In Bikram classes you’ll perform a series of twenty-six poses and two breathing exercises. In every class, in all Bikram studios, you’ll do the same 90-minute sequence. Yes, 90 minutes. So be ready for an extra long class. And a hot one! The class is performed in a room heated to 95-108 F° (35–42 C°) and 40% humidity.

Who will like Bikram? Anyone who prefers to know what’s coming next and prefers to sweat in a workout. Just like Ashtanga Yoga, Bikram lovers are people who like set routines. Its for those who want a vigorous form of yoga.

Is Bikram Yoga right for beginners? Because of the specific sequence of posing required, this is not the best first class for a beginner. Consider attempting these classes after you know basic poses and sequences used in Bikram. An introductory hot class will also help you adapt to heated sessions before jumping into this brisk form of yoga.

Tips for all Forms of Hot Yoga:

  1. Ashtanga and Bikram are great forms of yoga for travelers. Once you’re comfortable with these styles, you can go into any class, any where, at any time and be assured the sequence of poses will be the same. No learning curve here, if you’re familiar with the series.

Hatha Yoga

Many forms of yoga today can be classified as Hatha Yoga, a yoga of physical poses. In ancient traditions Hatha rituals were used to prepare for meditation. In Hatha Yoga, you’ll perform foundational poses, moving with your breath.

A Hatha class can be easy or challenging depending on the individual. Lunges, as in a warrior pose, or squat-like postures, used in chair pose, can be done with ease of difficulty depending on your level of ability and how long, or deep, you move into poses.

Who will like Hatha Yoga? Come one, come all — at any level of athletic ability or age is welcome. Hatha reinforces mindfulness, breath work and achieving poses. Poses are adapted to any level of flexibility and strength.

Pro athletes like to incorporate Hatha Yoga into their fitness routines for its emphasis on balance, breathing and flexibility. No matter your favorite sport: football, CrossFit, tennis, running — non-athletes and pros alike, can benefit from the skills found in this yoga practice.

Is Hatha Yoga right for beginners? It’s a great place to start for beginners at any level of fitness and ability since it is the most basic form of yoga.

Tips for all Forms of Hatha Yoga:

  1. Check class descriptions for the level of intensity of the Hatha session.
  2. In an “all-level” class you’ll adapt postures to your own ability.
  3. Good yoga teachers will instruct, during the class, in all expressions of a pose — from easy to difficult.
  4. A steady paced class, such as Hatha, makes it easier for new students to pick up yoga skills and Sanskrit terms.


Vinyasa Yoga is like doing a Hatha Yoga dance. In Vinyasa, you’ll move into poses in a smooth glide. In Vinyasa, your flow from pose to pose will be at a brisk pace. You’ll perform a great number poses linking each with your breath making it a vigorous vs. relaxing style of yoga.

Who will like Vinyasa? Those who prefer a brisk, cardio style yoga. Runners and athletes, of all types, will enjoy incorporating Vinyasa. It’s for people who like to get their pulse rate up in a workout. Dancers will like the fluid dance-like quality of the moves. Newbies, beware, this class moves at a quick pace so know your poses before attempting Vinyasa.

Is Vinyasa Yoga right for beginners? Because of the brisk pace, this may not be the ideal place for a beginner’s initial leg of their yoga journey. Save this one for a bit later. However, you may be able to find Vinyasa introductory level classes. If so, go for it, newbie!

Tips for Vinyasa and all Forms of Vigorous Style Yoga:

  1. You’ll get a brisk work out and break a sweat, though not as much as in Bikram or Hot Yoga.
  2. No special drip-proof, sticky yoga mat needed, a regular one will do.
  3. You’ll want to keep a towel handy, though.


Iyengar Yoga is detail oriented and methodical. It focuses on alignment. The goal is to perform each pose correctly rather than “flowing” through poses, as in Vinyasa. You can use blocks, straps, bolsters and folded blankets as tools to assist you in assuming postures — the correct way. At first glimpse this may appear to be an easy class but holding these poses can be a mental and physical challenge.

Who will like Iyengar? Those obsessive about form, medical professionals, and those with previous injuries. If you are compulsive about details in your fitness routine you’ll find your space in Iyengar. Those who worry about safety or have joint or medical conditions will feel comfortable in an Iyengar class. It emphasizes tools and props to assist in joint safety. If you work in healthcare you’ll appreciate the attention to anatomy, alignment and correct movement. Hyperactive types may have to adapt to hold poses longer vs. a rapidly moving class.

Is Vinyasa Yoga right for beginners? Iyengar is a great place for beginners because you’ll learn how to achieve each pose in it’s correct form. New students will appreciate the extra instruction that can be received from an Iyengar instructor.

*Health note on all exercise: Consult a physician before beginning any new exercise program particularly if you have previous injuries. Also, speak to your doctor before restarting a former exercise program following a new injury or medical condition.


Kundalini is not a typical yoga posing session. You’ll experience various aspects of yoga not usually seen in other types of classes. Seen as a spiritual form of practice, it combines mind, breath, body and energy work. In a Kundalini class you’ll perform repeated, challenging poses along with chanting and singing. You’ll also meditate.

Feeling at home in Kundalini will depend on your comfort level or interest in mysticism, being verbal, and working on higher levels of energy.

Who will like Kundalini? People who want to experience the spiritual and mystical concepts of yoga in addition to it’s fitness aspects. If you’re interested in combining an energy practice along with a physical form of yoga then Kundalini is for you. You’ll get a rigorous exercise session and a mental workout. The goal of Kundalini is self awareness and and individual energy work.

Is Vinyasa Yoga right for beginners? Depending on the level of Kundalini class, a beginner could choose to start here. Getting your start in both yoga and Kundalini will depend on your comfort and desire to experience a form of yoga that works the body, planes of energy and doing it outloud!

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga, similar to Hatha Yoga, can range from mild to intensive. Also in Yin classes, you’ll hold poses and breathe. You’ll work on stretching, balance and focused breathing in a Yin class. You’ll also hold poses and stretches — really hold them, ranging from a few seconds up to 10 minutes for the more advanced.

The purpose of Yin poses are to increase circulation and increase flexibility. It is intended to be a complete workout. Ancient practitioners used similar practices of holding postures and breathing techniques as a part of martial arts training.

Yin is a great class to add to other aspects of a fitness program. Runners, ball players, former dancers and gymnasts can benefit from alternating in a good Yin class to stretch tight joints and sore muscles.

Who will like Yin Yoga? Those seeking to recalibrate their workout and those in need of a good stretch class. Yin Yoga will appeal to anyone needing an isometric style class and to work on flexibility. Yin will also appeal to those who want to add yoga to their usual fitness workouts.

If you’re somewhat hyperactive, you may think a Yin class will be too slow. But don’t let that prevent you from giving it a try. If you want to work on your tight joints and sore muscles Yin is an ideal routine.

Is Yin Yoga right for beginners? Depending on the level of class this is an option for a newcomer to start down the yoga path. Look for a beginner or introductory Yin class.

*Health note on stretching in yoga: It’s not good push your joints past their max no matter what you’ve seen ballerinas do. See the movie “Black Swan” to witness the downside of these athletic performances. Due to genetics, age and gender bodies are composed of different structures. It can be easy to push and injure yourself in a stretch class. Take care not to push too far into poses.

Restorative Yoga and Gentle Yoga

Restorative yoga is just what it sounds like. Restorative and Gentle Yoga are both designed to calm the mind and soothe the body. Restorative uses any number of props — blankets, bolster, blocks to enable you to relax into poses without a lick of effort. Soooo relaxing and restful.

In both methods you’ll focus on the breath and awareness. What’s the difference between these two? Only a small number of poses, as little as 4–6, are performed in a true Restorative class. A Gentle class will utilize more poses and a greater number of gentle stretches. In Restorative you will do more hanging out in a relaxing posture propped up in a most comfortable and therapeutic way.

Who will like Restorative and Gentle Yoga? Those seeking to de-stress and unwind both a hectic mind and over-worked body. Restorative Yoga will appeal to anyone needing to relax. Those with sore muscles, joint or medical conditions will feel comfortable in a Restorative or Gentle class. Tools and props are there to assist in joint safety and comfort.

If you’re somewhat hyperactive, you may think a Restorative Yoga will not move enough for your taste. But don’t let that stop you from the experience. You may enjoy this form of yoga as a method to recharge your body and mind.

Is Restorative or Gentle Yoga right for beginners? If you haven’t tried yoga, either method can be a good place to kindle your first love. Be sure to note, in Restorative you will not learn a great number of poses and you may have to learn your foundational postures in another style of yoga. Some Gentle classes utilize a good number of poses but in a gentle, slow method outstanding for a start in yoga.

Health notes on Restorative or Gentle Yoga: Practiced before bedtime, or in evening classes, a Restorative or Gentle class can help insomnia.

If you have anxiety or extra daily stress, this yoga can assist in restoring the body while bringing zen-like calm to the mind.

If you have soreness from overdoing it or sitting too long, Gentle or Restorative Yoga can leave you feeling amazing!

Tips for Restorative and Gentle Yoga:

  1. You may notice Restorative classes are often held on evenings and Fridays. This is designed to help the over worked and over-achievers replenish their tired psyches and bodies at the end of the work week.
  2. Bartenders and night workers may need to reverse this schedule and find their restorative classes at an earlier hour.

Step #2: The Yoga Studio

Each studio will have a different atmosphere. Some will give off a spiritual feel or a nouveau hippie mood. Others, held at a health club, will “sport” a exercise or fitness vibe. A bit of time and your comfort level will show which location, teacher and method is right for you.

See who’s offering yoga where you live. Yoga is available in studios, continuing ed classes, community centers and health clubs. Locate beginner level or introduction to yoga classes.

Beginners need a safe space. It feels vulnerable to be the clueless new kid, particularly in a group class. Those feelings may make you hide in the back so no one notice if you’re uncomfortable or fumbling. Nope… rewind! That’s not the atmosphere of yoga. The goal of yoga is peace and acceptance.

“Have no fear! Yoga is about acceptance — so be bold, let your novice flag fly. Drag that brand new, shiny yoga mat up to the front of the class. Go for it, stick that pose, vogue it!”

Try a few sessions at different studios and with different instructors when you first get started. That’s only for the beginning of your journey.

After you’re comfortable with the basics and can perform foundational poses and breathing, you’re ready to move on. It’s time to take the next step, in your journey, and explore other forms of yoga that interest you.

More Advice from a New Yogi
After researching different forms of yoga I pushed myself to give the practice a try. At first, I focused on gentle yoga sessions and explored a few studios. I talked to the instructors and found experienced yogi friends. Soon, I was hooked.

In the beginning yoga can seem overwhelming. Give it time. There’s a lot to absorb — new concepts, and even a new language. It may take a class or two, or even three, to get adjusted. If a space doesn’t begin to resonate with you after a couple of classes, you may need to explore further.

Don’t give up on the practice. You may need to try a different instructor or form of yoga. These days I rotate between a couple of studios and my health club. In the near future I’ll explore even more classes and types of yoga. Finding options gives you choices of sessions and time schedules on any given day to suit your lifestyle and daily habits.

  • Health notes on overdoing exercise: Sore muscles are a part of any vigorous fitness program. Putting stress on muscle fibers enables them to grow bigger and stronger. However, sore joints should never be the outcome of a workout. If you have painful joints following a session, you may not be performing the exercise correctly or you may be overdoing it. Osteoarthritis is a condition that occurs over time as we age. But arthritis can also can result from joint overuse and abuse. If you have joint issues or previous injuries, speak to your instructor for pointers using props or correcting alignment to prevent further damage. Be kind to your joints!

Continuing the Journey

For me, the key was finding an atmosphere where I felt comfortable yet challenged. Two years later, I’m seriously considering yoga teacher training. I’m not certain if I want to teach but I’m looking for ways to deepen my understanding and skills in practicing yoga.

Final health notes on yoga: Yoga is not a competition sport. Each of us is composed of unique joint and muscle configurations. Some postures you’ll never be able to achieve nor would it be safe for you to do so.

Your only challenge, in yoga, is self-improvement, not self-comparison to the person next to you in class. Don’t judge yourself or others — thats the opposite of yoga’s goal of peace and acceptance. Doesn’t that sound like a nice space to be in?

To round out your yoga education on get my free publication — The Ultimate Yoga Resource List. In the UYR I’ve compiled suggested yoga learning materials from top yogis and yoga teachers around the world. It’s also the required reading list for many certified yoga teacher training courses.

Laura Daly is a nurse, writer, new blogger and the CAO, Chief Amazement Officer at LIVING BETTER by laura. We live better when we believe that age is just a number and style has no expiration date. Healthy is beautiful. LIVING BETTER by laura is dedicated to better health for all women… but especially those of us who want to reinvent themselves in the second half of life. Start living better now. Get the latest and best content for living your best life at any age. Join us here.



Laura Daly
Living Better by laura

Nurse, educator, seasoned fashionista and CAO - in charge of amazement at Living Better by laura. Science and Style. Healthy is beautiful.