Julian Philipp Nagel
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2020



The L.B-1 mask

A wearable as a reminder

At LIVING.BRAND, we are focussing on discussions, ideas, and visions about future living concepts. Due to the current pandemic, those concepts are hard to discuss at the moment. It seems difficult if not impossible to envision the world after Corona as there are as many opinions as there are perspectives. However, one thing for certain right now is involving us humans at a very personal level. It affects the way we present the most recognizable part of our physical existence to the rest of the world — our face.

L.B-1 masks

The tremendous risk of infection for COVID-19 forces people all over the planet to wear facial protection. What has maybe been some sort of fashion statement in a few small extents over the last years has developed into a necessity and even a law at the moment in various parts of the world — Germany included. Such an intervention of our personal rights and freedom outlines the size of the current happenings, which still seem strangely far away from us and will probably be experienced in its entirety only in retrospective.

As we currently undergo a period that is unmatched in its uniqueness in the modern world until today, it seemed logical for us to create a product, which expresses this singularity and can function as reminder after we defeated the pandemic. A reminder to fight back an invisible virus, a reminder to show solidarity, and a reminder that life is precious — it can change in the blink of an eye and it shouldn’t be wasted.

The LIVING.BRAND L.B-1 mask is created of 2 layers of red cotton and handcrafted by Celik, a local tailor from Berlin Mitte.

Celik in front of his shop in Berlin Mitte

It comes in our distinctive brand’s LB-RED and features a pleat for size adjustments. The mask is unisex and should fit every face. We are selling it for a flat price of 15€ including shipping and will dispatch directly from the tailor’s store. You can disinfect the mask by putting it in hot water for 2 minutes (you can also easily clean the mask in your washing machine if you feel like it is dirty after wearing).

We hope our L.B-1 mask can work as a statement for, against or with CORONA, however you prefer it. In a few years from now, you should be able to look at the mask and be reminded of the absurdity that the pandemic is / was bringing into our lives.

As explained in our previous article, an absurdity that hopefully sparked reflection, growth and new directions in you.

You can order the mask directly from our website:


Please check out our website www.livingbrand.ninja or our IG channel @livingbrand.ninja where we will post all of our content and would love to start discussions about the way we should and will live!

