Living Change: bringing together a community of system change makers and thinkers

Corina Angheloiu
Living Change
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2017

What does it take to be an innovator of systems — someone creating change in the world whilst committed to living change themselves? The Living Change event series kicked off by Forum for the Future’s System Change Lab in 2016, has been working with an eclectic mix of people to explore the trials and tribulations, realities and tensions and experimenting with creating a space for people to share and build their collective skills and abilities as individuals.

Here’s a short summary of what we’ve covered to date in the series

1. “What exactly are the skills and capabilities needed to innovate systems?” This first we looked at the skills we already have as a collective, and the new capabilities we need to act as system innovators.

2. “What might The Future look like by 2050, given that the only constant in life is change?” In our second event we used glimpses from a set of scenarios set in 2050 to enact what it would be like to live in a future beyond capitalism and how people’s mindsets and attitudes might be different.

3. “What role can games play in introducing people to systems change?” Our third event explored how games might help us be more aware of the systems around us and help us communicate the complexity of the change needed for sustainability.

4. “How might we unlock the values paradox to enable more people to live out their values?” In a fourth session we asked people to join us to explore the values paradox. It provided us with a refreshed understanding of the power of values and the inherent contradictions between what we say versus what we do.

Dates in 2017 for further events in the Living Change series are 20th March, 22nd May, 17th July, 23rd October.

If you’d like to join us, please get in touch at: c.angheloiu[@]

The Living Change series of events aims to create a community space for people to come together to feel less alone in their change-making quest, a place of honesty to bring work challenges as well as individual perspectives. Previous participants have told us that these sessions have given them the space to connect with others, reflect and be inspired and energised to push the edges of what is possible.

To keep in touch with all the work we’re doing at Forum for the Future, working globally with business, government and other organisations to solve complex sustainability challenges, head over to our website or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.



Corina Angheloiu
Living Change

Strategist, researcher, and facilitator passionate about enabling systemic change and the role cities can play in this