Stillness Through Motion

Kate Sutherland
Living From Heart
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2022


(Image by antonika from Pixabay)

One of the gifts of our humanity is to experience all of creation through the senses of our bodies. I like to think of my life on earth as my spiritual being in physical form. Yet our bodies are more than mere temples for the spirit.

Our spirits are not meant to be couch potatoes, sitting laziliy in the “house” of our bodies, observing the world around us with detached, inactive superiority. To have the impression that we are trapped or inconvenienced by these precious bodies we inhabit would be a shame. Our bodies are channels through which we can come to remember our wholeness while we are living in a physical form, by exploring and reveling in our senses. So forget about copping out of living life to the fullest through the tangible wonders of the universe, as if what happens on earth doesn’t matter because our “true” selves are just waiting to return to the spirit realm. That would be a waste of a gift, and perhaps the most meaningful opportunity.

It’s important to choose to engage with the world, not try to rise above it. If we ignore the physical form, we are denying ourselves (and everybody else) the fulfillment of our greatest potential, as well as missing out on deeply connecting with the spiritual. We are obligated to use our gifts, in gratitude, and in reciprocity to Life, for as long as we’re here.



Kate Sutherland
Living From Heart

Song-writer, artist, Kung Fu teacher. Practices "Living from Heart." Short stories, poetry, articles on self-exploration, wellness lifestyle, embracing beauty