Castor Oil, the Secret Weapon in Your Home-Medicine Kit

by Dr. Bruce Baar of

Living Health
5 min readOct 7, 2016


Castor Oil can be purchased at

What is Castor Oil?

“Castor Oil is one of nature’s best kept secrets! Renowned for its hydrating and moisturizing properties, it is also being utilized for a variety of health complaints.” — Dr. Bruce Baar.

Native to India, Africa and Central America, Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the Castor plant. Castor seeds are rich in precious oil, which makes up 50%-60% of their weight. When pressure is applied to the seed, the oil with all of its unique nutrients, minerals and essential fatty acids are released. The oil can range in color from pale to light yellow and has virtually no taste or odor.

Three Reasons Why Castor Oil Is A Must Have Product

You would probably not be surprised to know a significant number of people are actively engaged in researching and applying various forms of complementary medicine. They are using therapies that can be integrated with mainstream medicine to enhance the body’s healing response. When it comes to selecting a versatile, all-natural, at-home remedy, organic castor oil is a must. Its topical application as a castor oil pack, massage lotion and ingredient for skin care is unsurpassed.

People often use complementary medicine to preventatively stay healthy or address long-term health issues. The ability to use at-home therapies to balance and correct physical concerns can be transformative to one’s health. One of nature’s most valuable tools for supporting wellness is organic castor oil.

Start Creating Your Home-remedy Medicine Chest and Begin by Adding Organic Castor Oil

The therapeutic properties of this oil make it applicable for many uses. Here are just a few of the reasons you’ll want to begin to experience its benefits.

1. Packs or Compresses to Boost Immunity

Castor oil packs or compresses can be a powerful therapy for immune challenges. Applied over the abdomen, covering the many organs involved with assimilation, elimination and immune function, the castor oil pack enhances the body’s ability to remove toxins, improve digestion, relieve inflammation and stimulate lymphatic circulation. They are both soothing and healing.

2. Skin Care

Because it is a natural emollient, organic castor oil is the perfect ingredient for skin care. It softens and hydrates the skin for a younger, more radiant looking complexion. It’s a premier ingredient in our soaps and lotions which are great for healing dry, cracked skin.

3. Anti-Inflammatory

Because of castor oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, it is perfect for massaging into sore, stiff muscles and joints. It penetrates deeply to ease pain, improve joint mobility and enhance circulation.

“You make decisions every day that impact your health. For many, adding a few healthy changes can lead to a big difference. Using safe, effective home remedies like organic castor oil can provide another dimension to your self-help options.” — Dr. Bruce Baar,

From Ancient Remedy to Modern Marvel

Ancient Egyptians were the first to record the use of Castor Oil for medicinal purposes, and since then it has been used by many cultures who attest to its therapeutic value.

Castor oil is also referred to as Palma Christi, because the shape of the plant’s leaves were thought to resemble the palm of Christ and because of the incredible healing power it possesses.

The effects of Castor Oil are impressive and have been used to address an extensive range of health concerns. Medical research on Castor oil for the treatment of diseases may be limited but many people have personally experienced how effective the oil is for easing pain and speeding up healing. Castor oil is considered to be one of nature’s miracle oils and a must for your home medicine cabinet.

Reported health benefits include:

  • Promoting healthy digestion
  • Enhancing liver function
  • Improving eliminations
  • Relieving muscle and joint stiffness
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Relieving nausea
  • Improving lymphatic flow
  • Relieving abdominal discomfort
  • Aiding the body’s detoxification processes
  • Reducing swelling
  • Providing immune support

How is Castor Oil Used?

One of the most effective methods of use is through topical application as castor oil packs. The pack, also known as compress, is generally made of an absorbent material like wool or cotton flannel. The Castor Oil is poured onto this material and then laid directly onto the body.

To purchase this kit, go here

Heating pads are especially helpful for this process because they warm the oil and allow it to penetrate more deeply. These types of applications should be done regularly and can last anywhere from an hour to two hours. Topical application of the oil, using a castor oil pack, is not only relaxing but produces excellent results. After removing the pack, clean the area to remove impurities, as well as alkalize the skin.

Taking a Proactive and Preventative Approach to Health with Home Medicine

With the cost of health care constantly rising, many individuals are looking for economical ways to stay healthy. Rather than let conditions worsen to the point of needing medical intervention, many choose to take their health into their own hands through the use of alternative remedies. In fact, with a proper understanding of home medicine, a person can save thousands of dollars throughout their lifetime as they take a proactive and preventative approach to their health.

Castor oil may be taken internally, but applied topically to the skin it can remedy a variety of ailments. Simply by placing a Castor Oil Pack and heating pad on the abdomen, this home remedy can contribute to the effective functioning of your entire lymphatic system! But that’s not the end of the story when it comes to the wide variety of castor oil uses.

The long list of this amazing oil benefits is extensive. If you want to read further about it, I have written a book: “Castor Oil Pack Therapy — Application & Instruction.” Even without taking time to read about the great results castor oil can provide, you can get started with the therapy right away to begin experiencing for yourself the positive health benefits that this versatile oil has to offer.

Originally published at on October 7, 2016. 2016 © Living Health TV and Living Health Magazine.



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