Vegan In-’n-Out Shake

Living Health
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2016

“Double-double and Fries, Animal Style, with a Chocolate Shake, Please”

When I first arrived in California, many moons ago, one of the first places I was taken to eat was the In-n-Out in North Hollywood. I will never forget it — because it’s still there to this day! The challenge was to try their cheeseburger and one of their three milkshakes: chocolate shake, vanilla shake or strawberry shake.

Animal-style was already a style, and grilled or fresh onions an option. I had no idea what that meant, but my friends insisted that I go all out and try the double-double cheese burger, animal style with grilled onions, a side of fries, and a chocolate shake to top it all off.

Of All of In-’n-Out’s Foods, I Missed the Chocolate Shake the Most

A nutritionist once told me that In-n-Out is probably the only fast-food outfit in the West Coast that offers real meat and real potatoes, even though she did not recommend it as a regular source of meal. She explained that the fries, the hamburger buns, the milk shakes and the soda were very bad for you. “Is there even alternative then?” I thought. She explained that if you eat paleo — the hunt and gatherer diet — and need a quick meal, get a hamburger wrapped in lettuce, or as they call it there, “protein style.”

I don’t always eat paleo, I tend to like vegetables better, but sometimes our bodies crave the oils in the meat protein, and when that happens, I lean that direction. But never again did I have an animal-style double-double or cheeseburger, animal-style fries, or a chocolate shake. And of all of these, it has been the chocolate shake that I have missed the most.

Until a few days ago, playing with vegan ingredients, I came up with this simple recipe for a chocolate no-milk shake that besides delicious is very healthy and not as fattening as you may imagine. It has no sugar, no processed chocolate, no ice-cream and no milk. In other words, sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, the only free it is not is the money part. You may need to spend a little on the ingredients but they last.

So Without Any Further Ado, Here Is My Recipe for Chocolate No-Milk Shake, In-’n-Out Style:


1 can frozen coconut milk

2 tbs. organic raw cacao

1 to 2 tbs. organic maple syrup

1/4 tsp. Coarse Celtic salt

1/2 tsp. organic vanilla extract

2 tbs. coconut oil


Add all ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until it has a thick milk-shake consistency.

Pour out and drink.

Before you drink, take pictures and post them here. I would love to see how it turned out and hear your opinion.


If you don’t want to order the coconut milk online, you can get it at Trader Joe’s. Get the organic regular (not the light). It only has coconut milk and water (no guar gum), it’s organic, and it costs about $1. It doesn’t need to be in the freezer for more than 2 hours.

The coconut oil make sure it’s organic, raw and unrefined.

The raw organic cacao costs a little more but it lasts. Keep it refrigerated.

Originally published at on October 4, 2016. 2016 © Living Health TV and Living Health Magazine.



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