Fats That Bring Healing

Living Health
Published in
6 min readJul 25, 2016
Coconut is a great source of healthy oils. When buying coconut oil, make sure it is raw and unrefined.

In the early 1990’s I started to do research on harmful and healthy fats. This was before “0-grams trans-fat” became a trendy label appearing in our food supply, which it is one of those “thanks, but no thanks,” because in the United States, if a food has less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving, the food label can read 0 grams trans fat.

At that time, I began reading all consumables’ labels and still do it to this day. If Partially Hydrogenated Oil, Hydrogenated Oil or Shortening appears on the list of ingredients, I simply avoid that food product like the plague, literally, because chemically treated oils are a form of long-term plague — it kills your cells slowly, causing different types of diseases, and those weakened cells are perpetuated in the cells of future generations. Hydrogenation is a process that adds hydrogen to vegetable oils to improve their shelf-life and make them less greasy. Processed foods in conventional U.S. supermarkets today contain this carcinogen — in other words, this cancer-causing oil. They are classified as man-made “trans-fatty-acid,” and although we, as humans, can consume this ingredient with no apparent risk, the effects on the cellular level are devastating. It is a slow-death process from the inside out.

“If oil does not say UNREFINED on its label, it has been processed through modern manufacturing methods.”
Dr. Udo Erasmus

Our cells are programmed to regenerate. That is an established fact, even though the research is inconclusive on the rate of regeneration. One article about fat cells states that they are replaced at the rate of 10% per year; another article about human brain regeneration reveals that some sections of the brain remain permanently young, with neurons renewing themselves continually; and a recent study on the heart’s muscle regeneration shows that the heart’s own stem cells are able to regenerate 1 to 4% yearly. It is obvious that LIFE exists on the cellular level and that our bodies are more than just physical matter. No one can argue there. For this reason, the portions of us that are made of physical matter must be fed life-giving substances, rather than the poison that we currently intake from an artificial food supply that has the power to deteriorate, first the cells, then the muscle tissue, and the organs, ultimately destroying our entire organism.

One of the natural substances that has great effect on the life of human cells is healthy, natural fat. Without it, life is depleted from the cells. Oils such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, also known as essential fatty acids, must be consumed in a balanced way through a balanced diet.

When our ancestors lived off of the land, the consumption ratio for these types of oil was 1:1. This guaranteed the survivor of our species because the human cells were not being mutated or mutilated to accommodate the intake of artificial oils that cells cannot absorb and end up leaking into other parts of the body as poison. Today’s ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 consumption is 20:1! Extremely unbalanced and unhealthy.

The trend has been then to promote Omega-3, and excessive consumption of Omega-3 without the balance of its partnering EFA’s can promote adverse health outcomes, such as a dysfunctional immune response to viral or bacterial infection.

Omega-3 occurs naturally in grass-fed beef, marine plankton, fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts. Omega-6 occurs in vegetable oils that contain a high proportion of linoleum acid. And Omega-9 is found in olive oil, avocados, almonds, and sunflower seeds. One myth is that Omega-9 is “naturally” found in Canola oil; that would be true if canola were a real plant, nut or seed, but it is not, rather it is a genetically engineered oil made from rapeseeds in Canada, thus the name Canola (Canada+oil).

Dr. Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., from www.udoerasmus.com has written a summary on his recommendation on oils. Dr. Udo wrote the book “Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill,” a very technical documentation of the chemical structure of oils, their benefits and hazards. He dedicated his life to find answers to longevity by creating the best balanced combination of healthy oils that promote life to the cells. Here is a great combination of oils recommended by Dr. Udo’s:

Organic flax seed oil (the base, rich in Omega-3)

Organic sunflower oil and Organic sesame oil (added to balance Omega-6)

Rice germ oil and Oat germ oil (further minor ingredients)

Primrose oil (source of GLA, an Omega-6 derivative)

Organic coconut oil as a source of anti-microbial fatty acids

GMO-free lecithin to emulsify the mix and help the digestion of oils

In addition to these oils, not instead of, here is a recommendation of snacks rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils, associated with longevity:

Almonds (Omega-6, no Omega-3)

Hazelnuts (Low in Omega-6, no Omega-3)

Walnuts (small amounts of Omega-3, and more Omega-6)

Flaxseeds (Omega-3, no Omega-6)

Avocados (Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega 9)

According to Dr. Udo, oils from corn, soybean, canola, safflower, black currant seed, and peanut should be avoided because they are damaged in the manufacturing process, having their beneficial “minor ingredients” removed. If oil does not say “UNREFINED” on its label, it has been processed through modern manufacturing methods and has had its molecular structure altered, making it impossible to be absorbed naturally by the human cell.

Heat damages oils just as much as light and oxygen, which means that oils were not made to be fried, especially deep-fried. Oil-sautéd food tastes better, so instead of using any type of oil or margarine, try clarified butter or coconut oil. On the subject of margarine, even those that are labeled “no trans-fatty acids” contain trans-fatty acids. Margarine is made from “cooking oils” that have been treated with the following ingredients: NaOH (a corrosive substance used to unclog sinks!), H3PO4 (used in window washing products), bleaching clays (which turn the oil rancid and cause it to have a foul odor), and then de-odorized at frying temperatures.

A few other warnings that are good to keep in mind, according to Dr. Udo:

  • Fish oils, if consumed, must be from a trusted source. The processing of fish oils damage the original structure of the oil; zero levels of toxicity cannot be guaranteed because of the pollutants found in fish.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA, distributed via the brand name Tonalin, is a trans-fatty acid. It is not better than any of the omega essential fats, which are the ones we need and cannot live without. There is no convincing evidence that taking Tonalin has any benefits for the human health. On the contrary, when applied in animal studies, CLA caused health-damaging side-effects.
  • Regarding borage oil, its safety and non-toxicity cannot be guaranteed.

In the May 2015 edition of our magazine, I added a small section called Tips for Wholesomeness at the end of the paleo recipe section under Organic Nutrition. In summary, it is a recommendation for the best and healthiest types of oils. Also, the March 2015 edition of LIVING HEALTH, features a great article by nutritionist Jessica Stamm about “The Benefits of Coconut Oil.”

No matter what your cooking habits have been, just by replacing the oils, you will launch yourself on a new path towards optimal health. Olive oil is great, as long as it is not heated. Ghee, Coconut oil and Grapeseed oil is all you need for cooking. Butter is delicious and also beneficial for the cells, as long as it is consumed in moderation and comes from grass-fed cows. One last suggestion: an Avocado a day, when in season, is a great source of fats that heal.



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