Raw Vegan Green Tea Ice-Cream

Living Health
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2016

“In most meals, we start with the savory first and then move on to the dessert. If this amazing raw vegan Green Tea ice-cream or Matcha Ice follows the same pattern, then this recipe is an indication of what’s coming next. Can you guess?”

A famous dessert in Japan since the late 1800’s, green tea ice-cream or matcha ice is becoming mainstream in the United States due to the availability of matcha powder in health-food stores and online healthy markets — an indispensable staple filled with anti-oxidant, energy enhancement and detoxifying properties. From the 1970’s until recently, the only way to enjoy this delicacy was in Japanese restaurants. Since the food revolution began in the early 1990’s, matcha in its tea and powder form have grown in visibility and consumption by mainstream health enthusiasts in the United States and other parts of the world.

Here is the recipe for a completely healthy, delicious, good for digestion Raw Vegan Green Tea Ice-Cream:


2 cups of coconut meat (refrigerate the can upside down overnight so you can get the meat and separate it from the water)

1/2 cup of coconut oil

1/4 cup of maple syrup

1 tbs. macha

1 tsp. vanilla

A pinch of Celtic salt


Refrigerate the coconut cans upside down. This will thicken the coconut meat. Turn the can over to its normal side to open it with a can opener. Using a spatula, pour mostly the meat in a glass bowl and place the water in a separate container. Add all of the ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.

Pour the mixture onto a freezer-resistant container and place it in the freezer for about 30 minutes and then remove it from the freezer onto the refrigerator.

Serve with an ice-cream scooper. For toppings you can use cacao nibs, coconut shavings, or even sliced almonds or ground macadamia nuts.

Originally published at livinghealth.tv on September 10, 2016.

2016 © Living Health TV and Living Health Magazine



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