Raw Portobello Masala with Cauliflower Rice

Garrett Johnson
Living Health
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2016
If you want to cheat and not eat the mushrooms raw, you can add a little bit of liquid aminos on a frying pan and slightly cook the portobello strips. I did that and it truly enhanced the flavor.

Prep Time: 15 mins | Servings: 4 servings


Masala Sauce:

2 tbls coconut oil
¾ medium yellow onion, cut up in quarts
2 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
½ jalapeño pepper, cut up and deseeded
1 clove of garlic
2 tsp smoked Spanish paprika
2 tsp garam masala (see ingredients below)

1 plum tomato
2 tsp of raw organic honey
¼ tsp chile de arbol or cayenne peppr
½ cup water
½ tsp Celtic salt
1 tsp freshly ground peppr
1 cup of soaked cashews
1 cup of chopped cilantro leaves

Garam Masala Dry:

3 tsps coriander seeds
1 ½ tsps cumin seeds
1 tsp black peppercorns
1 ½ tsps fresh ginger
¼ tsp black cardamom (3–4 large pods approx)
¾ tsp cloves
¾ tsp cinnamon (2 X 1” pieces)
¾ tsp crushed bay leaves

Portobello Mushroom “Chicken”:

4 portobello mushrooms cut up in strips.


1/2 cauliflower
½ red onion
½ cup of cilantro leaves
½ tsp. of Celtic salt


Masala Sauce: Blend all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender.

Portobello “Chicken”: Wash thoroughly the mushrooms (first using a veggie wash and then soaking them in filtered water with one table spoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide) and then cut them up in cubes to resemble chicken. If you are concerned about eating raw portobello mushrooms, you can add a little bit of “Bragg’s” aminos in a frying pan and slightly cook them.

Cauliflower Rice: Wash thoroughly the cauliflower and put it in the food processor with the red onion, cilantro, and Celtic salt.

Originally published at www.livinghealth.tv.

