Salada Rustica

Garrett Johnson
Living Health
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2016

Prep Time: 20 mins | Cook Time: 45 mins |
Servings: 5 serving | Difficulty: Easy


2 organic radicchios
2 organic Belgium endives
1/2 organic green fennel
1/2 box of organic arugula
1/2 small box of organic basil micro-greens
5 medium sized organic tomatoes
5 organic shallots
2 sprigs of organic rosemary

Dressing Ingredients:

1 organic lemons
1/2 cup of organic olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of organic vanilla



Chill a large salad bowl for 30 minutes or when serving, put it in ice.

Wash and HP wild arugula, endives, radicchio, fennel and basil micro-greens.

Put each of these greens through the spinner and then toss the arugula and the micro-greens inside the salad bow.

Slice the endives, radicchios and the bottom part of the fennel and throw them in the green salad.

Roasted Tomatoes and Shallots:

Wash and HP tomatoes.

Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds. Remove the rosemary leaves from the stem.

Gently oil and then heat up a skillet using Grapeseed oil. Throw the tomatoes halves with Celtic salt and the rosemary. Roast them until skin has black portions.

Repeat the oiling of the skillet. Throw the shallots with some Celtic salt and roast them until brown.

Place the tomatoes and the shallots in individual bowls. There should be 2 half tomatoes and 1 shallot in each salad plate.


Pour olive oil in a 1 quart mason jar and juice the lemon into it, pour the vanilla, add Celtic salt, cover it and mix it well. Place it in a small serving jar or use a 1/2 oz. ladle to serve directly from the jar.

Originally published at

