It’s Okay To Live Life In The Slow Lane

No, it doesn’t make you lazy

Danielle Godfrey
Living Honestly


I don’t know when we decided to believe that stress = success.

When we started to accept and function on the expectation that everything must be done yesterday.

We all contribute to this continuous, spinning hamster wheel by jumping on board. But we jump on board because that’s what we’re told we are supposed to do. That’s how we are told we are to achieve success.

The more we produce, the greater the expectation becomes. We must get better, we must get faster. But we are not robots. We can only do so much before entirely burning out.

And there’s a huge area between balance and complete burnout that is less than healthy, yet so many of us navigate here as if it’s the norm.

Why the rush?

A few weeks ago I was listening to a guided meditation by Purely Lucy, titled ‘Slow Living: Let Go of the Need to Rush’.

It felt as though she was giving me the permission I felt I needed to actually live life intuitively.

To live in a way that felt good to me, instead of believing I had to be rushing around, being hugely ‘productive’, and keeping up with the busyness of our culture in order to ensure I wasn’t missing out on living…



Danielle Godfrey
Living Honestly

On a constant quest for zen. Words from my heart to yours ✨