All the Lost Souls

Chaitanya Gupta
Living In a Fake Entity
2 min readJan 18, 2015


Pandemonium reigned like every fiber of the heart was on fire,

Where once there was silence, explosions replaced it in the shire,

A red river of innocence flows through the entrance and onto the roads,

Catastrophic damage collecting its payment, much more than dead toads,

Death not just of the physical body but of compassion & kindness has come about,

The sole witness “The wind” begged for a warning, atleast one shout,

Lush green grass on the ground exists in disbelief, converted into a premature grave yard rather than the usual kick of the ball,

Everyone was hurting already but it was them who took the fall,

Disdain and Disbelief spreads in the heart like a virus, All the empathy is disowned,

There are no bits of food only bullets that created screams of moan,

A knife for a knife. A flower for a flower growls the mind,

The inherent nature of humanity is changed, that is the only truth today that I could find,

The Bodies will be buried, The prayers will be spoken but what of the poor souls lost over nothing,

They have vanished into nothingness without destiny, without reason,

A hollow now resides , where they once existed,

Leaving their loved ones shrieking in agony,

They are all the LOST SOULS,

Vanquished over very little & forever…



Chaitanya Gupta
Living In a Fake Entity

NYU 16', Product Manager. Here to tell you stories from Data. Follow me on @Chaitanya_90, LinkedIn :