No Hope

Down in the realms of darkness

Chaitanya Gupta
Living In a Fake Entity


The Last Vestiges of mounting an attack, of progressing in life seem to be diminishing by the minute. All hopes of destroying the grime coated stagnation have now been extinguished.

PROGRESSION. I’d like to shake the hand of the person who coined the term and amalgamated a simultaneous need within us humans to parade our achievements to society at large and be woefully disappointed until they whistle and applaud to our tunes.

A curtain seems to be falling even before the show began. Most of the spectators were biased critics pouncing on the mistakes. Any cheers from the the front row spectators have slowly died down to a murmur depicting nothing but disappointment and does nothing to stop the mountain of misery slowly building itself on the burdened shoulders.

When the foundations beneath you make their cracks visible and the soul empties itself of all happiness then there is little to comprehend and look forward to. It is all one can do to not fall and look downwards or backwards in the past which possesses and reminds us of all the optimism that once surged through us and a smile that we once conjured out of our own life, blood and bones.

All feeling has now been burned away leaving nothing but resounding numbness spreading far beyond the epidermis. Weightlessness ensuing a shameful feeling unlike landing on a soft cloud or floating in mid-air. Languishing far beneath any real light and scavenging in the eternal darkness trying to find a frayed rag in the very least.

Fresh earth has been dug on all sides and any remaining opening to escape seems to be dangling an unattainable carrot, one which seems so far off that no matter how much we run/jump it is always further away from us. Like running amok in the desert looking for water and losing all sense upon spotting a mirage. Backed out in a corner is good phrase and aptly so.

If a dream can be too good to be true then maybe a nightmare can be too bad to be true. Either way the time has now come to lay down the sword and lower the neck to stare at the ground while kneeling on a leg. The future is unyielding and seems to hold very little especially without effort, action and the maddening feeling they call HOPE.



Chaitanya Gupta
Living In a Fake Entity

NYU 16', Product Manager. Here to tell you stories from Data. Follow me on @Chaitanya_90, LinkedIn :