3 English-Speaking Jerusalem Influencers To Follow On Social Media

Daniel Rosehill
Living in Israel
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2021

If you’re moving to live in Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, and want to keep in the know about what’s going on, then you might wish to keep an eye out on the following bloggers and influencers.

Better yet, they write in English. So you won’t even need to come to grips with the language to keep on top of their feeds (although, of course, improving your Hebrew is always a sensible thing to do).

Without further a-do. Here are three worth keeping an eye on.

Shimshon Sam Leshinsky, Lifestyle Commentator

Leshinsky seen with a packet of the salt and vinegar crisps which recently came to Israel. Photo: Courtesy / Shimshon Leshinsky

In the space of just four months, Australia-born Jerusalem-based immigrant Shimshon Sam Leshinsky has shot to prominence as one of the most engaging voices in the English-speaking community in Jerusalem.

Leshinsky’s platform of choice is the Secret Jerusalem Facebook group — a community which numbers more than 91,000 members (and growing).

Although the Melbourne-born immigrant began sharing reviews about Jerusalem restaurants on the group, he soon expanded into other areas — including Jerusalem doorframes. Leshinsky has also featured natural trails in the city and shone a light upon worthy causes such as a woman attempting to raise money to support a chocolate venture.

Leshinsky’s posting features an inimitable blend of frank questioning and trivia from his Jerusalem outings. He told After Aliyah that he likens posting on social media to kicking off a conversation at a Shabbat (Sabbath) table.

Leshinsky’s observations can be followed both on Instagram and on his own Facebook page:

Sarah Tuttle-Singer, Taxi Driver Stories

The Times of Israel’s social media editor, Sarah Tuttle-Singer, has been amassing stories from taxi journies which she intends publishing in a forthcoming book. Photo: Wikimedia / Creative Commons

Tuttle Singer, whose day job is as the social media editor at the Times of Israel is a well-known left-leaning voice in the Israel English-speaking community — and far beyond it.

She is also the author of Jerusalem Drawn And Quartered and has passionately argued in favor of greater coexistence between the city’s Jewish and Arab populations.

Tuttle-Singer has a propensity for picking up anecdotes and trivia from her many taxi journeys (American readers: that means cab rides).

After sharing plenty such anecdotes on social media groups and her Times of Israel column, Tuttle-Singer decided to launch a Facebook page which is intended to precede the launch of Israel On The Road which will be the author’s second book.

It can be found here.

Debbie Kandel, Food And Travel Blogger

Keeping an eye on Jerusalem’s ever-evolving culinary scene is Debbie Kandel, a British-born, Jerusalem-based food and travel critic who runs the Restaurant Club Jerusalem Facebook group which features spirited discussions on restaurant openings (and closings) in the city.

Kandel travels throughout Jerusalem (and Israel) sampling the country’s delicious food and frequently reports back her findings through her Facebook pages.

To learn more about Kandel and her blogging, visit DebbestFood.com.



Daniel Rosehill
Living in Israel

Daytime: writing for other people. Nighttime: writing for me. Or the other way round. Enjoys: Linux, tech, beer, random things. https://www.danielrosehill.com