After Aliyah Founded To Provide Olim With Clearer, Objective Information About Life in Israel (Release)

Daniel Rosehill
Living in Israel
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2021

JERUSALEM- English-speaking immigrants to Israel have a new website to keep track of!

After Aliyah ( was created in order to create a central clearinghouse for information related to living in Israel for those who have already made aliyah.

According to the site’s creator, Daniel Rosehill, “there are many great websites and resources focused on aliyah. But a lot of the information currently authored is marketed to those who have not moved to Israel yet. It can be more promotional than informational in both tone and content.”

Seeing the need for more pragmatic and objective information, in English, about how to do everything from ordering groceries over the internet with Shufersal through to buying prescription medications online , Rosehill, a writer and immigrant himself, began authoring a series of guides and blog posts on a Medium publication he set up, Living in Israel.

“Eventually I decided that I had enough information written to form the beginnings of a larger project,” he said.

Rosehill envisions After Aliyah as a not-for-profit organization whose sole aim is to host and publish practical information about living in Israel without regard to its tone.

He said that — unlike platforms trying to market Israel to prospective olim — he doesn’t want to shy away from articles and content that discusses the challenges of making a life in Israel.

“I’ve written previously about how high the cost of living is in Israel; how difficult it has become for young people, especially olim, to even think about getting on the property ladder; and the various other socioeconomic issues that we immigrants are facing here but which aren’t currently getting discussed outside of Facebook groups and other closed fora. These are issues that ultimately end up driving a lot of olim out of the country but which a culture of silence has developed around, perhaps out of fear of not deterring future olim.”

But for Zionists, I would argue that it’s time that we began discussing these things in the open. And focusing, instead of engaging in blanket promotion [of Israel], on discussing how we immigrants can maximize our contribution to the country and make it as likely as possible that we will succeed in starting new lives here. Otherwise the revolving door that has been a prominent feature of aliyah to date will keep spinning”

Regarding the website:

“I felt that there was room for one more platform in the English-speaking blogosphere that would focus on presenting practical information about how to make a life, and a living, in Israel. To host both a variety of perspectives and how-to guides. And not shy away from telling things as they are.”

AfterAliyah website currently consists of guides and blogs. Rosehill said that he also plans to add video content and a podcast and potentially other languages as the project evolves.




Daniel Rosehill
Living in Israel

Daytime: writing for other people. Nighttime: writing for me. Or the other way round. Enjoys: Linux, tech, beer, random things.