Joan O’Donnell

Joan O'Donnell
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2020



me smiling in a pub with a pint
The pint of 2020

I find myself living in liminal spaces, always in gaps, where the nebulous gold of our lives reside. I can fee it and touch it and it illudes description, but ripples through all our being. And it is a source of eternal inquiry for me.

The most momentous moments of my life have been the spaces in between, where all the magic happens when I thought I was just going from a to b. And this does not necessarily make me a patient person. So, I try with my writing to convey some of its essence, so we may all find it and not be bound by, or victim to our circumstances alone.

I am an advanced embodiment practitioner, thinking partner, and facilitator, with an interest in finding our way through messy systemic issues using body wisdom. I work with organisations and individuals finding their way through.

I am doctoral researcher in psychology and lecturer in systems thinking. I am interested in how we live in our bodies whilst engaging with technology. I am also interested in inclusive design, and 21st-century competencies in the world of work.

I live with my husband, son, cats, hens and bees in Dublin, Ireland. We are contemplating a dog.

I also edit

You can reach me here:

Otherwise I am off in a canoe…see you on the other side…

Author in a canoe

