
The Most Impactful Books I’ve Read From 2023

Reflecting on last year’s best reads

Angela M Ward
Living & Learning
Published in
7 min readJan 12, 2024


Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

As a bookworm, I absolutely LOVE setting a new reading goal for the year ahead. Even if I don’t always read the number of books I had planned, it’s still fun trying. And that’s what’s most important— the journey.

“Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.” -Mae West

I count reading as something worth doing slowly. Taking my time to read a book helps me appreciate the flow of writing, absorb thought-provoking ideas and mark passages that stand out to me for future reference.

That’s why I read 17/20 books last year.

Out of the 17 books I read, a few stood out to me more than others. They either resonated with me on a deeply personal level or sparked my imagination, and for that I have to give them credit.

I’ve seen other people’s posts on their best books from 2023 and think this is a great practice. Studying your reading habits gives good insight into who you are, what you value and where your focus is for the future.

Here are the books that had the most impact on me in 2023.

Fourth Wing



Angela M Ward
Living & Learning

Communications and digital marketing professional, interested in creativity, personal development and mindful living. Top Writer in Reading.