
The illusions of creative truth-telling

Rebecca N. Herz
Lifestyle Today


Daniele Lewis, Unsplash

Ever since I was little, I’ve embellished.

Embellish: Proto-Indo-European root meaning ‘to do, perform; show favor, revere’.

I guess this means I was always a doer, a performer, someone who saw the best in everyone and everything. Which makes sense.

To make sure people loved me in all my aspects: this was, and still is at times, my goal.

My mother recently sent me a screenshot of an ‘About Me’ from when I was in elementary school. The accompanying text message read: My imaginative girl!

Of all of these ‘facts’, only some are actually true.

First of all, I had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. But we can look over that one, I was 7-and-a-half after all.

I did not have any pets.

I hated math.

I could not do sports if my life depended on it. I actually refused.

Besides this, everything was true.

There were plenty of things I actually loved that I could have spoken about.

