My Best Mornings — Five Daily Routine Must-Do’s

How to start on a positive note for your day

Lifestyle Today


Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

Morning time is the most favorite time of day for me. It’s the promise of a new day with new opportunities coming on the horizon. I always look forward to my morning routine as it sets me on the right foot for the day. Here are my favorite five activities to help support my physical and mental well-being.

Heating pad happiness

Before I leave bed, I use an XL heating pad to warm up my tight muscles. Here are some of the benefits of adding some warmth to your body.

  1. The warm, relaxing heating pad will increase blood flow and make moving around less painful for some joints and muscles. I am all about flexibility, and at times, after a night of sleep, I feel like I just went to battle all from sleeping! Ahh, the joys of getting older.
  2. With the heating pad giving a relaxing vibe to the body, it ensures a lower stress level before hitting the bathroom. What an excellent way to begin setting a positive tone for the day!

Oatmeal for physical wellness



Lifestyle Today

Dedicated mother, loving wife, dog mom, watercolor artist, creative writer, full of ideas, with humor and whimsy.