My Friend Got Me Cold-Shouldered At Work

Then she accidentally sent porn to the boss and got fired

Pene Hodge
Lifestyle Today


My friend accidentally sent adult content to her bosses and promptly got fired.

We are both nurses and last year we were working full-time second jobs.

We work at the same primary job but in different departments.

At both gigs, I am the House Supervisor.

I knew her from our other job, but when we began to spend more time together, we naturally became closer.

She was juggling many balls in the air. In an effort to help her I would often cover for her allowing her to get some sleep, especially on the weekends when upper management was not around.

I would care for her patients giving her some time to rest.

Several months went by and all was fine.

Then about one year into the new job, my boss began acting a little distant.

We had been very close before and since I worked the day shift she would have me in her office way longer than I needed to be. I would literally have to find excuses to escape. I had my own work to do.

So when she came in to see me one day on her day off I was perplexed.



Pene Hodge
Lifestyle Today

Writer. I write because I must. Arrive curious, leave inspired. I welcome collaboration, contact