Being Bullied? Or Are You the Bully?

Janet Lesley Powers
Living Our Truth
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2020


Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

Being bullied or being the bully: both are acting from the same core belief which is rife in humanity. That core belief can cause us to self-destruct through our inner and outer conflict.

We attract like-minded people. As adults* we are bullied when we feel down about ourselves; when we believe we are ‘less than’ others. We believe we are ‘not good enough’ as we are. We attract bullying with our lowly body language and negative emotional frequencies that reverberate out to others.

The bullies also believe they are 'not good enough'. Their ego’s strategy is the other side of the coin. They feel more powerful by bullying, and by putting out a grandiose attitude. Sub-consciously it compensates for their deep hurt and anger for 'not being good enough’.

We each have to bring our own selves out of the mire and drop old programming. That programming is usually sourced in childhood, which has dealt us this false belief that we are not good enough, and that we are not worthy.

We have to know that simply by existing here, we are already ‘good enough’ and worthy of a good life, no matter all our mistakes. And we are good enough to grow into more of our true potential!



Janet Lesley Powers
Living Our Truth

I help you find deeper understanding about your relationships with others, and within yourself. When you understand and know more, you're empowered to be more.