3 Damning Mistakes You’re Making Because You’re So Desperate to Find New Friends

Stop with the corny icebreakers.

Living Out Loud


Photo via Pexels

I don’t understand why people crave finding new friends.

It’s almost as if the world has taught us that going to networking events and asking a bunch of corny icebreakers is the best way to find them. Perhaps even creating a profile on Snapchat for the sake of adding random people to your circle. Why are we so damn desperate?

I get it, friends are important (in my Elmo voice).

But they aren’t the holy grail of your entire being. Every time I tried finding new friends, everything backfired on me. That’s why I said “fuck it” at one point and did my own thing. I let my new friends come to me instead.

I went through a period of loneliness because I had just broken up with my old toxic friend group. I was desperate like everyone else. Ever since I broke out of that, I found my new friend group and I couldn’t be happier.

Here are some mistakes I made trying to “find” them.

You start finding a bunch of acquaintances without building real friendships.

It’s beyond easy to make acquaintances.



Living Out Loud

I write about life lessons, writing, social justice, and productivity. New articles published weekly. Follow me on Twitter :https://twitter.com/KhadejahJ22