A Small Miracle

Suma Narayan
Living Out Loud
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2022
A man and a child walk over a snowy path towards a group of lighted-up buildings, at night, but the sun is still in the sky.
Photo by Anna Deli on Unsplash

It is winter Down Under, and our small human, all of two years old, is wrapped up, hooded, booted, and laced up. She is fond of blue, apparently, like one of her grandmothers, and my daughter-in-law gets her clothes and accessories with a tinge of blue in all of them.

There is no one in the Park next to the little mite’s house, and she has the swings and seesaws all to herself.

She sits on the swing, and my daughter-in-law straps her in. She starts humming quietly and then decides that it is too soft, and she starts humming more loudly. Now she is in full flow.

She then wants to try the step ladder and the large turning wheel for infants, in the Park.

Laboriously she climbs up the steps of the next playground equipment, with her small legs and reaches the landing, where there is a large wheel she can wrap her small, chubby fingers around, and turn. She remembers the song ‘The Wheels on the Bus’.

Since she is a diva, she starts from the middle of the nursery rhyme, and carols, “The daddies in the bus go I love you I love you, I love you, the daddies in the bus’. She sways energetically from side to side. She pauses, occasionally, to make sure, out of the corner of her eye where the camera is, and resumes again, with ‘full-throated ease’ like the poet Keats once said.

She loves books and words: and when she hears something new, she stores it like a jackdaw or magpie, looks at it from time to time, experimenting with it, and using it when she can. ‘Goodness Gwacious’ was one expression that she was fascinated by, for a long time. Adorably out of context, but charming at the same time. Sometimes, she lounges in bed and tells her mother, “Mamma, you read your book, I’ll read mine.” And the little moppet does.

We still haven’t got over our wonder and gratitude to God at the presence of this miracle in our lives.

I don’t think we ever will.

The Sun is out in full glory. His warmth and heat lights up and illuminates all darkness. Be grateful for this touch of glory. It can not emanate from any other source.

©️ 2022 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.



Suma Narayan
Living Out Loud

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: https://ko-fi.com/sumanarayan1160