An Open Letter To The Woman Who Got Me Fired

You Didn’t Know Me, But You Thought it Was Okay to End My Career

Jade M.
Living Out Loud


Photo Credit: Anna Shvets

Dear Woman Who Got Me Fired,

I can’t deny that you’ve crossed my mind often since I encountered you. I was already having trouble when you came into my workplace and started throwing your adult temper tantrum. You were angry because there were security tags on the thong flip flops that your daughter wanted to try on. The flip flops were a couple of sizes too small for your daughter’s feet, but both of you thought the tiny security strip was the reason your daughter’s size eleven feet weren’t fitting in a size eight or nine.

I was a few aisles down, putting some men’s shoes to put on clearance, but I could hear you yelling. You were ranting about how your daughter couldn’t try on shoes because the company I worked for thought you were stealing. Yes, it was as if you thought those security tags had been put on just to hinder you and you alone. I knew dealing with you wouldn’t be pleasant, so I avoided you for as long as I could. I even considered going hide in the ladies’ room because you were so vile.

When I finally saw you, you were flinging the sandals to the floor as if you were a volleyball player who was spiking the ball. I could feel my body tensing up as you turned your hateful…



Jade M.
Living Out Loud

Jade is a Louisiana based author who loves video games and usually writes about experiences she has.