Do Men Prefer Bigger-Breasted Women?

Because we are not Pamela Anderson doppelgangers.

Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud
Published in
6 min readJul 1, 2021


Pamela Anderson via Depositphotos

“Some people think having large breasts makes a woman stupid. Actually, it’s quite the opposite: a woman having large breasts makes men stupid.”

— Rita Rudner

Female breasts have been a source of fascination for eons. And for a good reason; they are a sensual and enchanting part of the female form symbolizing life-giving and creative force qualities such as birth, nourishment, and fertility. In our culture, breasts are also commonly associated with the femme fatale, seduction, femininity, comforting promises, and sexual fulfilment — women’s breasts are among men’s favorite sex toys.

Many ancient cultures may have practiced Goddess worship and regarded the female form as the source of all life. All good. There is much to celebrate about the female form, even if the “source of all life,” wonder, and pleasure is not always what it’s cracked up to be — women the world over are experiencing all kinds of issues with their breasts.

The truth is that the relationship between a woman and her breasts is rarely neutral, beginning at the onset. As a teenager with brand-new budding breasts, it wasn’t long…



Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud

Award-winning & Bestselling Author | HH Prac. (Hol.Meta.Heal) | Writing About Soul. Love. Humor. Spirituality. Life. Relationships |