Early Signs That You Should Not Pursue Dating a Person

#3 They Only Talk About Themselves

Lisa Richards
Living Out Loud


Photo by Wiktor Karkocha on Unsplash

When you first meet a person they are on their best behaviour. If you can spot flaws in their personality right from the start then this should definitely not be ignored.

Certain traits can be a sign of things to come if you were to stay with that person. I’m not talking about simple bad habits or individual harmless personality characteristics. What I am referring to are the things that will cause you to be unhappy in a relationship.

Admittedly some people are good at hiding parts of themselves that they don’t want you to see, but there is often something that will give it away. Spotting potential relationship problems can save you a lot of heartache.

These are some of the things that you should not ignore:

1. They Are Rude To Service Staff

Being disrespectful to service staff says a lot about what someone is like. Decent people are not unnecessarily mean to people.

Things to look out for are constant complaints about every little thing, belittling, being demanding, and saying hurtful things. This could be a sign of how they would treat you if they were upset with you.

