Freedom Should Be the Reason You Do What You Love

Chasing wealth won’t make you happy anyway.

Kevin Horton
Living Out Loud


A man standing on a rock and staring into the sky
Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

“The best things in life aren’t things.” — Art Buchwald

The greatest currency is freedom. It allows us to earn what we have. And it gives us space to do what matters.

We put ourselves in a prison of unhappiness when we ignore this. Then we lock the gate and throw away the key.

Every now and then, somebody comes along to help us see where we are. They show us a better, more satisfying way to find happiness.

Each one of us has unmistakable value. But we throw it away in a selfish pursuit of something empty in and of itself — money.

Real happiness comes from living a selfless life.

Help someone. Then do it over and over again. What you’ll find is that the money will follow you.

You have to give it time.

Personal lessons are the best teachers

You excel in life when you learn to fall and get up on your own. Having someone hold your hand all the time doesn’t stretch you.

It causes you to rely on them far more than you need to.



Kevin Horton
Living Out Loud

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