Getting Street Smarts in Your Relationships

Let the fake people keep each other. You and I know better.

Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud
Published in
7 min readMar 18, 2021


Street smarts. Most of us know that it’s vital to possess a certain amount of shrewdness in order to survive an urban reality. We might not like it, but the truth is that if we want to stay alive and preserve our wellbeing, we’ve got to tap into our instinctual resources and learn how to handle ourselves while out in the wild. Street smarts is an intelligence gained from life experience outside of schooling. It’s a self-protective skill that uses — and I say the following term loosely — common-sense — and the ability to be aware of your surroundings — what’s going on and who’s around you. If you want to experience anything remotely satisfying in the realm of love and friendship, you have to be prepared to lower those self-vigilant traits in favor of connection. But sometimes, you’ve got to get smarter with how much of yourself you give to people — sometimes, getting street smarts in your relationships is the only way to conserve your energy and heart-space for the real stuff.

Like, real people.

“Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.” — RandomVibez



Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud

Award-winning & Bestselling Author | HH Prac. (Hol.Meta.Heal) | Writing About Soul. Love. Humor. Spirituality. Life. Relationships |