Have You Encountered Someone from A Past Life?

Some connections never die.

Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2021


“Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.”

— Paulo Coelho

The idea of having lived before can be difficult to wrap your head around. As humans, we’re so ingrained in the here and now; caught up in our current life drama. That’s completely normal. It’s easy to believe that this present physical life is the only reality. It’s not as if we have tangible evidence to prove that we once walked the earth in a different skin in another lifetime, any more than we have concrete memories of knowing someone before actually meeting them. All we’ve got are peculiar feelings, Déjà vu-like memories and an uncanny sense of familiarity.

Reincarnation, also known as metempsychosis, transmigration, resurrection or life after death, is most characteristic of Eastern philosophy, New Age and religious beliefs that centers around the rebirthing of our non-physical essence (or soul) beginning a new life in a different physical body after death.

No doubt you’ve heard of this phenomenon as a past life, where your soul is born into another person after you expire from …. erm…. this life.



Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud

Award-winning & Bestselling Author | HH Prac. (Hol.Meta.Heal) | Writing About Soul. Love. Humor. Spirituality. Life. Relationships | https://kimpetersen.com.au/