Hello, It Is Me — Your Body

Get out of your head and pay attention to me too!

Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud
4 min readFeb 25, 2021


Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

I (your body) exist. If you haven’t noticed lately, this is just a reminder to tell you that I deserve attention, too. You cannot keep using me and taking me for granted. Do you know the amount of work I have to do in a day to ensure you live a peaceful life?

It hurts a lot when you think of me as someone who must get on with my duties. It feels like a thankless job. I am not saying that I don’t enjoy working for you, but a little bit of love and appreciation does not kill anyone. For heaven's sake, even your boss takes note of your praiseworthy tasks, so why not me?

Earlier, you used to take me places. We used to get out and head to work, to that coffee shop you love, to your favourite place for lunch, allowing me to experience something new every day. Now all you do is sit and type away to glory and keep me confined to four walls. I need my vitamin D, or soon you will complain of body aches. So please, can you get out of the house and soak in some sun?

It’s not just you who is frustrated, it’s me too. Do you know that by not keeping me active, you are bringing yourself big-time trouble? How I enjoyed that thrill of your beating heart when you took me for a brisk walk or jog. That calm I felt during your yoga sessions. When you meditate and conduct a gratitude body scan, I feel alive. When did you get so lazy? And please don’t say, ‘work from home’. That’s a despicable excuse.

I usually don’t voice my opinions, but you wouldn’t like it if you woke up one morning with terrible back or knee pain. Or when you become a victim of physical issues that terrify you when you read about them on the internet. You are smart. Think of something and get me back to my energetic daily routine.

I understand that stress is at a peak right now. I can make you feel good. When we exercise, don’t you feel good when the happy hormones are released and when sweat is dripping down your back? The joy of heading to a shower after an excellent workout brings you pleasure like no other. I am sure even thinking about it right now puts a smile on your face.

Another thing I would like to mention is, can you please STOP the carb-loading? It gives you momentary pleasure but do you know how much time it takes for me to digest that double cheese pizza? What is it to you? You let out a nice long and disgusting burp and go to sleep. I have to stay awake and work overtime to digest that stuff.

Can you please start being mindful about what you eat? See, I don’t mind you enjoying your cheat day once a week. But during the remaining six days, can you research all the healthy recipes you can make that will help me enjoy a Sunday or two? This way, I can digest your meal early and take a nice nap.

It may sound harsh, but I am tired of keeping my mouth shut, hoping that you will realise what you are doing to me. You must realise that any problem that is eating you up is only temporary. But in the process, don’t invite a permanent health problem that you will regret later.

Rest, eat well and get your eight hours of sleep, please. During these uncertain times, take a break and get back to a healthy routine. Trust me, whatever you are going through will get more comfortable if you treat me right. And if you do, I promise to provide you with the energy to face all your battles head-on.

So, get up and clear out your fridge of all the high-calorie foods and juices. Please take me to the grocery store and let’s pick some healthy food items and then start cooking. I am looking forward to our workout sessions at home. That crucial meeting can be rescheduled as nothing is more important than your health. You need to be healthy first, to earn. It's sad people forget that.

I am right here, receiving all the inputs from your head. But you need to look at yourself in the mirror and give me big hug at least once every day.

I love it when you meditate because that’s the only time when you focus on your mind and me. Do you mind increasing the duration of your meditation? I know I am going overboard now, but I hope you get what I am trying to say.

Now get back to work, and I’ll see you soon — when you get dressed, put on a mask, and take me to the grocery store.



Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.