How Can You Reduce Quarrels In Your Relationships?

Every relationship is different and even if we are talking about a harmonious and healthy relationship, quarrels are impossible.

Living Out Loud


Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash.

Disagreements of all kinds are part of any relationship, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t avoid them. However, the important thing is not to avoid them but to control them.

Aside from the fact that frequent fights wear out the relationship and tire both partners, it is very likely that you will say things that you will regret. But how can you reduce the constant quarrels in your relationship?

Realizing that you will not always “win”

It is very selfish, and at the same time childish to believe that in a fight you will always win. Do not try to impose your opinion on the other person, as many times there is no right or wrong.

Instead of focusing on who’s right and who’s wrong, just focus on what you need to do to solve each problem and move on.

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