How To Have An Amazing Valentine’s Day

Whether you have a significant other or not.

Kamay Williams
Living Out Loud
3 min readFeb 13, 2021


If you needed a sign, here’s one. Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

February 14th is a day that can provoke various emotions for different individuals. Some look forward to it, while others dread its existence entirely.

No matter which category you fall under, here are some ways to make this day a beautiful one, whether it’s spent alone or with someone else.

Put your selflessness to rest (at least for a little while)

Valentine’s Day is a day meant for celebrating love and affection. In honor of that, it is a given that you should give yourself some love and affection, regardless of your relationship status.

This may be difficult for some, especially those who tend to give all they have to others or struggle with low self-esteem, but learning to prioritize and validate yourself makes a world of a difference.

Ultimately, this day should be about catering to you first, especially if you don't usually do that on a regular basis.

Do that thing you’ve been putting off

Accomplishments are a great mood booster.

Give yourself a small task (or a big one, if that’s what you desire) and set your mind on completing it. Doing this will not only help keep you busy, it will also boost your self-esteem when you accomplish it.

Self-care, self-care, and even more self-care

First, tackle the basics.

Get out of bed.

Brush your teeth and wash your face.

Shower, and don’t forget to moisturize.

Next, consider taking it to the next level.

Ask yourself — what’s something you have been desiring but have sacrificed for the sake of being responsible, and (if you can afford to) treat yourself to that thing. Doing things you normally wouldn’t, like dining out or taking a trip to the hair salon, can be an extremely sweet treat to give to ourselves.

If you have a significant other, a great addition to taking care of yourself is taking care of your partner as well. Whether it is making skincare into a team effort, or inviting them to go and get professionally groomed with you, acts of this nature are the ultimate show of love.

Take some time to communicate (even if it's just with yourself)

Talking can resolve a lot of things that have yet to come undone within us.

For those who are fortunate enough to be alone on this day, set aside time for some self-talk. During this self-talk, check-in with yourself. How are you feeling mentally? What is your body doing/feeling like at that moment?

Along with this, be sure to remind yourself that not having a significant other on this day is not a reflection of your worthiness of love. You are more than lovable, and this time you’re spending alone is your time to have you all to yourself (so enjoy it).

By doing this, along with other acts of self-care, you will indirectly let your body know that you care for and love yourself.

If you are someone who has a significant other, Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity for you to tell your partner the things about them that make your heart smile.

Cherish small things

As cliché as it sounds, smiling actually pushes people towards the feeling of happiness. So as you’re going through your day, try to put a little extra effort into recognizing the positive, whether it’s as simple as something making you giggle or the sun feeling good on your skin, take the time to smile about it.

Anytime you catch yourself feeling good about absolutely anything, be intentional and immerse yourself in that feeling for as long as you can.

Whether you use one or use them all, these tips can help elevate your Valentine’s Day, or any day, if implemented.

Happy loving, and thank you for reading!



Kamay Williams
Living Out Loud

Passionate writer, professional imaginative, and lover of all things that seem unattainable.