Humans and Animals

Catherine Evans
Living Out Loud
Published in
4 min readJan 6, 2021

Do animals play a big role in your life?

Photo by Nigel Cohen on Unsplash

Do you have a spirit animal? I don’t feel that I do, or at least I haven’t found mine yet.

A spirit animal, also called a totem animal, is one that is connected to you and your soul journey in this life. I guess it’s like a spirit guide, someone who is there to help you on the journey. You may share similar traits or outlooks or views, or maybe the lessons you need to learn are those that the animal can assist with.

I have animals that visit, in spirit form but also in physical form, and I think that’s more my style. Animals have come at various times in my life, imparting their knowledge or lesson or assisting me.

Life lessons from my dog

As a kid, I had a dog, Ebi. She came for my first birthday and grew up with me. She was my constant companion through primary school and into high school. I would sit beneath the overhanging willow branches and read to her. I asked her to be the horse I wasn’t able to have, and we did show jumping courses in the backyard.

When I was scared, she was beside me. If I had to go down the street, or around the corner, and I didn’t want to go alone, Ebi was there to protect me and give me courage. When I had a bedroom of my own with an external door, I’d sneak her in whenever I could but especially in storms when I knew she was scared. Before having the bedroom, I’d always sit in the laundry with her, protecting her as she protected me.

She taught me loyalty, protection, overcoming fear, the joy of sitting together in silence. She allowed me to dream, to explore, to speak freely. I had a best friend when the human kind may have let me down, deserted me, or disappointed me.

I’ve been blessed with many dog companions in my life and each one has taught me so many vital lessons. Horses have had similar roles in my adult life. I’ve also been a caretaker for mice, axolotls, frogs, birds, cats, and many native animals.

At this time, I have no pets, however, I have a backyard filled with wildlife visitors.

Animal meanings

Sometimes I’ll post a photo of an animal visitor and a friend will send me a link to the meaning of that visitor. Sometimes it’s a little freaky!

A couple of years ago, kookaburras began coming into my yard and sitting near me. They’d always been around but now they were on the branch next to me, on my clothesline. I mentioned it to my spirit animal friend, and she told me they were a sign of healing. And a few weeks before they’d turned up, I’d begun seeing an acupuncturist after having no voice for 14 months (for no medically known reason). Acupuncture has me speaking, my energy flowing and I’m enjoying life again. And every time those kookaburras drop in, I thank them for their healing energy.

In 2019, I was on holiday and I saw a Leafy Sea Dragon necklace. I have always loved seahorses of all types but weedies and leafies have always been special. I’ve worn this necklace for almost 2 years. I don’t know exactly why it attracted me and why I’m so attached to it, but the Leafy Sea Dragon seems to symbolize something for me.

Leafy Sea Dragons are delicate looking creatures, strongly camouflaged, living quite sedentary lives and are restricted to the southern Australian oceans. This website suggests that they are wonderful for people who need to learn to slow down and go with the flow. And yes, I may have need of those lessons — me with my adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dr. Doolittle and speaking to animals

Sometimes I think I’m a little crazy to imagine such a connection to animals and to believe they have lessons and messages for me. But, I was the kid who didn’t just read Dr. Doolittle, I wanted to be him. I want to speak with animals, and I believe we can.

If we sit still and listen, I think everything in the world can speak to us, intuitively, through our hearts.

About a year ago, one of my writing friends sent an email to ask if I had any animals she could speak to me about as she was doing an animal communicators course. I knew she had alternate interests but speaking with animals (or rather doing a course about it) was something I didn’t know existed. I told her that all my pets had died, thinking I couldn’t help, but that suited her as she talked to them through a different plane. I sent my photographs and awaited the results.

Have you ever spoken with an animal communicator? Or had a ‘reading’ done from one? It was quite an odd experience to hear how your pets viewed you, what they learned from you and what they taught you. To hear the simplicity of their love and devotion was humbling. It was an incredible experience.

Animals heal us in so many ways. Have a look at how dogs care for people, especially when they’re used as therapy dogs. How about the Riding for the Disabled, or Equine Therapy groups?

There are many ways that animals and humans coexist, and many ways that animals make humans better.

I’m lucky to have animals who visit when I need them, or need a message from them, and that makes me incredibly happy.



Catherine Evans
Living Out Loud

Australian, writer and creator. Inspired by nature and living. Weird thoughts are entirely my own, and I know they’re often not like other people’s!