Hunger Flames

Suma Narayan
Living Out Loud
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2021
Photo by Toby Elliott on Unsplash

In the pit of my stomach, just above my navel

A hollow grows and yawns and cries to be fed

But the beauty in it is the sheer depravity of the thoughts that cause it

And the number of times I have to bop those thoughts on the head

To subdue them

And order them back into the hell they came from.

For if, as they say, heaven is chaste and pure and full of sublimity,

Stands to reason that these glimpses of forbidden pleasure

These visions of subliminal fires,

Firmly banked, suppressed, contained,

Aren’t they clearly from the incendiary reaches of the profanely passionate

And that is NOT allowed, is it?

So when these moods come upon me,

When my breath comes in orgasmic gasps

When my eyes light up with the flicker of fiery flames

When the down rises on my forearms

And my stomach caves in,

With imagined pleasure on un charted seas

I know that the frail vessel I am on, and the waters I sail in,

Will be neither shield, nor armour,

To protect me from the fires that burn

With calm inevitability beneath the surface.

That I will drown, first

In a rite of purification and cleansing

And then, be confined to the flames

And my un repentant, un remorseful soul asks me,

“So? What’s the difference?

You were burning then,

You are burning now.”

And this is the thing:

If the choice is between burning, and ending

In a flash and a streak of barely perceptible glory;

Or leading a blameless life,

Ringed around by the palisade of society’s certainties…

I would much rather choose death by burning

Than death by boredom.

©️ 2021 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.



Suma Narayan
Living Out Loud

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: