If You Peaked in High School, You Peaked in Life

4 troubling signs of someone who peaked in high school.

Living Out Loud


Photo via Pexels

Would you ever go to a high school reunion?

The answer for me is hell no. Why? Because high school was a living nightmare for me. I’ve had medical scares with the nurse, snarky verbal fights with teachers, and racist white kids at every locker bay. But nothing comes close to the insufferable people that peaked.

Peaking in high school is a sure-fire sign that your life is going downhill from there. Your life is over after four years. When you peak in high school, you peak in life.

To prevent this, here are four troubling signs of someone who peaked in high school — and in life.

They’re too group-oriented

High school cliques are essential. Every student is still finding themselves. Most are insecure so they run to a group for guidance. This leads to a headstrong clique with unbreakable morals and values that need to be followed at all times. When I strayed away from the moral code of my band clique (moral code: be racist), I was kicked out immediately.

People who peak in high school are the leaders of these cliques.



Living Out Loud

I write about life lessons, writing, social justice, and productivity. New articles published weekly. Follow me on Twitter :https://twitter.com/KhadejahJ22