In the Month of Love, Show Yourself Some Love

February LOL Prompts

Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud


Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

It’s that time of the year where everything is cheesy and over the top. (FYI — I never complain about food filled with extra cheese too. You only live once).

Anyway, cupid is here, and you know it’s the time where red is the go-to colour and love is filling in the air and all that. But what about the love that we deserve to give ourselves all around the year? And in February, we deserve a little bit more self-love than usual, and why not?

When I was in college, I remember I bought myself a big bouquet of red roses. I wanted to make myself feel like I was the best person in the world, and when my mom saw it, she applauded and told me I deserved every bit of love today.

But if I could have a conversation with cupid, it would have been an interesting one. I would invite cupid for dinner and simplify one of the most complex acts of human behaviour — love.

So folks, this month, I wanted to give you a small list of prompts where you shower yourself with some love. It could be taking yourself on a date, wearing something nice and looking absolutely stunning, or making yourself a lovely meal (and no, you don’t have to share that with anyone. It's yours). Do whatever it takes, and then maybe you can share your experience with the help of these prompts –

1. If cupid could give lessons on self-love, they would be?

2. Here is what happened when I took myself out on a date.

3. I don’t hate the word ‘love’ anymore because I healed.

4. I broke my heart, and I am grateful for the lessons it taught me.

5. Why loving ourselves first should be a law.

That’s it, folks! Sending you my love in the form of virtual hugs. I hope you show yourself the love you so rightly deserve in this month of love.

Remember, you can write your response to these prompts whenever you feel like it and submit it wherever your heart desires. If you want, tag someone else in your response to spread the love, and don’t forget to add the tag ‘Living Out Loud’ to your list of 5 tags.




Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.