It’s Time to Snap a Mosquito or Two

People who steal your mental peace need to be snapped shut right now!

Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud
4 min readOct 1, 2021


Photo by jom jakkid on Unsplash

“The best blood will at some time get into a fool or a mosquito.”

— Benito Mussolini

There you are, blissfully dreaming until something starts itching. Like someone is sucking not your blood but your mental peace. Welcome, dear mosquito.

Infuriating. You want to snap it and get rid of it. But it’s never that easy. There is a swell from its sweet kiss, like a love bite. The sting remains until you soothe it with cold water.

We, too, have many mosquitoes in our life. They are toxic people. They wreck our souls, never let us forget our flaws, and most importantly, ruin our mental peace.

If only we could slap them hard and end their existence forever.

Some People Enjoy Toxic Control

We meet countless people in our lives. Some help us grow, and some would walk over us to grow.

Such people put rose-tinted glasses on you and make you see the world through their eyes. They love to control you. They like being dominant in this friendship, and you think that they have your best interests at heart. However, with time you realise you have no blood left in your system. Your self-worth is questioned. You wonder why you couldn’t spot the warning signs, and you begin to weigh all me time and the family time you gave up on to be with them.

Stop overthinking it. Trust me; it’s like a maze with no opening. You try to tell yourself that you were to blame as you allowed them to take over your life. But you aren’t the only one who has been through this mess. We all have at some point in our life been a victim of a vicious mosquito.

Anyway. Now that we have identified this blood-sucking individual, it’s time to snap them out of our lives. So let the detoxing begin.

Block, Block, Block

Out of sight, out of mind philosophy has always worked for me. It’s not easy, I know. A part of your soul is screaming at you not to press that button because you want to see what they are up to. But believe me. This does no one any good. You keep ruminating about your past with them with that one social media post you see. It’s not worth it.

Once blocked, you may feel that void. But give yourself time. Eventually, the healing begins, and then you won’t miss them anymore.

Discard All Memories

Pictures, gifts (maybe not the expensive ones), clothes, or anything you feel can be donated. Just do it. We attach memories to objects. That’s what makes that non-living thing unique. It’s time to declutter and make new memories. Replace those painful objects with books that heal and help you find a new purpose. Soon you will realise that this setback taught you a million lessons. All you needed was a different perspective.


This is the hardest, and no, it won’t happen overnight. The memories don’t fade in an instant, and sometimes it takes years. But what helps is to get rid of that burden that weighs you down because of the hate you bottled up in your heart.

Yes, you feel like taking revenge. But we all know that taking revenge hurts you more than betrayal because you realise that you aren’t this person who is filled with hate.

What sets you apart is that you take the high road. This road is tough, but in the long term, it is rewarding, and you sleep with a clean conscience.

Keep Mutual Contacts at Bay

Everyone loves a good gossip, but eventually, people get bored about it and move on to the next thing. Mutual friends are the hardest to deal with. But the funny thing is within these mutual friends; you will identify those who have felt the same as you. Maybe they were treated the same way.

It’s funny, but life reveals those who genuinely are your well-wishers when you go through the most challenging moments in your life. So, from the way I see it, that person leaving was the best thing that ever happened to you.

We all come across a mosquito or two — some in the form of colleagues, friends, love, or relatives. No matter who they are, if you are dealing with one right now, do yourself a favor and snap them out. I just did, and let me tell you, it’s already helped me appreciate myself more. And you deserve to be treated with love if that requires snapping away a mosquito or two.

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Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.