Kickstart Your Writer’s Ear

Don’t you just love overhearing snippets of conversations?

Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud
Published in
8 min readMar 31, 2021


I do.

I’m not a snoop but some types of random communication between strangers help to kickstart my writer’s ear — I like to tune into the way people talk, their quirky wisecracks and tone of voice.

It can be interesting research for any writer.


Because its real life now, that’s why. Every writer knows how important it is to capture authentic dialogue in their work. It’s the unique flavor of people and their conversations that we want convey in our creations. Even nonfiction writers who pen their wonderful articles here on Medium can learn so much from the art of listening, right?

Sometimes, its enough just to listen to the earth.

There are a few young men working outside in my neighbor’s backyard right now. I can’t see them. Too many trees in the way. But I can hear their laughter and quick-witted banter over Sydney’s coolest radio station — their blue colored choice of music, tuned into Triple J.

J for …. Jives? Jockey? Jam?

I actually don’t know. Let the “J” remain as mysterious as the lady-jesting blokes out back. Yes. They have been chatting about females. Or rather, teasing each other…



Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud

Award-winning & Bestselling Author | HH Prac. (Hol.Meta.Heal) | Writing About Soul. Love. Humor. Spirituality. Life. Relationships |