My Love Affair with Rukmini

Privacy, I tell you, is challenging with Rukmini.

Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud
3 min readMay 6, 2021


‘Mom Rukmini is here’.

‘Oh no, does she ever leave you alone’?

‘Well, if she did, then we wouldn’t be in lurrrrve’.

Rukmini and my love affair started when the state government imposed a partial lockdown. That meant everything is shut (apart from essential services) from 11:00 AM to 7:00 AM.

For her, this was the best news possible. It meant that the world is now her oyster. However, it was ALWAYS hers, to begin with.

She made her first move on me early at 3:00 AM. I know the timing is perfect to start an erotic love affair. But that wasn’t the case.

It’s weird, but my bladder is on high alert at 3:00 AM. That’s when she sang so loud that, in frustration, I wanted to yell at her, “don’t you ever sleep”?

Now, if it were any other person, they would call me stone-hearted. But please, her voice at 3 in the morning is an alarm for those ‘start your day at 4:00 AM’ people, but it’s not me. That’s the time when I get my most peaceful sleep.

Anyway, let’s talk about weekends. Rukmini is determined never to give me space on weekends. She is like those annoying boyfriends who need to know my whereabouts because she is insecure and needs my attention.

However, thank god she has friends, and there are moments, mind you, just moments when she leaves me alone.

The thing is, she is quite the marvel of nature. She knows how to live life to the fullest. She embraces the sunrise and sunset.

She doesn’t crib about the weather. In fact, during summers, she is the happiest while I am dripping in sweat. I guess watching me drenched in sweat is a turn on for her. Which is why when she sees me dripping, that’s when she sings the loudest.

Yeah, you must have guessed by now that Rukmini is the cuckoo outside my window. But that doesn’t mean our love affair isn’t real.

Let me tell you why it’s real.

  1. She gives me the attention when I need it and likewise.

2. We have our private moments and respect each other’s privacy (barring weekends).

3. We don’t judge each other and accept one another the way we are.

4. We express how we feel, she by singing and me by observing and talking to her. (Quite literally).

So, these are the perfect ingredients for a relationship, in my opinion. Rukmini agrees, as while I am writing this, she is singing away to glory.

Yes, I love you too, Rukmini. Don’t get jealous because I am writing about you at the moment.

Do you have a Rukmini? I guess now countless people do. Because pollution levels are the lowest. Silence is now familiar, and animals are finally back in their rightful place — out in the open.

Okay, Rukmini is finally quiet. That’s my cue to enjoy the sunset.

Until she kisses me good morning at 3:00 AM.



Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.