Overcoming a Relationship with a Narcissist

Nothing was real but the pain.

Kara Summers
Living Out Loud


Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

It’s been half a year since he left. I’ve been to different therapies, support groups, read a lot of books and written about my experience. No day has passed where I didn’t think about him.

There were days when I didn’t cry and some days when I managed to ban him from my thoughts for a few hours. There were also days when I was able to enjoy things again.

I was making slow progress.

A few weeks after he broke up with me, I started discovering everything I could about narcissism and psychological abuse. I went through a discovery process, working through everything that had happened and putting it into the context of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Then I slowly focused on my healing. I knew it would be a difficult path and that it would be more of a roller-coaster ride than a steady process. I also knew that I had to detach myself from him, leave the job where I would still see him every day and not get upset over how effortlessly he had moved on months…



Kara Summers
Living Out Loud

Author, Mindset Coach, Feminist, Abuse Survivor, Stronger than ever