Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

Are we recycling usefully?

Catherine Evans
Living Out Loud
2 min readMay 10, 2021


Photo by Nareeta Martin on Unsplash

I’m a recycler from way back. If I can re-use something, I do. I separate my waste so it can be recycled. I thought I was doing a good thing and lowering my environmental impact.

Lately, I’ve been wondering if the recycling industry is legit, or if we’re being sold something that isn’t working. And if we’re being sold something that isn’t working, how do we ever know, or change that?

There was a news report recently about the yellow recycling bins in Australia and how much of that is never recycled because glass is broken, things can’t be easily separated, people contaminate it with rubbish, etc etc. Is that true? Am I thinking that I’m doing a good job at my home by separating all my rubbish and it just gets chucked in with the rest of the garbage?

Yesterday, my mother-in-law bought a new microwave. I was reading the instructions to let her know how to use it, when I saw, “don’t use recycled paper in the microwave as there may be tiny shards of metal in it.” WHAT?!?!?

My mother-in-law got out her paper towel, which was made of recycled paper. She looked at me and asked if it was useless. She thought she was doing the right thing by buying it — she places a sheet over meals she heats in the microwave because she thought it was better than using plastic.

I had no answers for her. I was as baffled as she was.

The recycling industry is encouraging us to use products made from recycled goods…yet we can’t use them in all instances? That’s not great marketing. Nor is it a great alternate product.

So, what’s the go with recycling? How do I know if I’m being conned, or if the industry is doing a good job?

I want to live more sustainably…but am I being sold a lie?



Catherine Evans
Living Out Loud

Australian, writer and creator. Inspired by nature and living. Weird thoughts are entirely my own, and I know they’re often not like other people’s!