The 13 Good (and Bad) Habits I do Every Day

To form better habits you first have to assess your current routine

Trudy Horsting
Living Out Loud


Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

Recently, I sat down and wrote down my habits. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Sometimes, our habits are so involuntary they are unconscious. The only way to form better habits or to eliminate the bad, is to first understand what habits are there.

I challenge you to take some time to assess your habits. You just may improve your daily routine.

Here’s how I assessed my own routine.

What Are Habits?

According to Merriam Webster, habits are-

“An acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary”

After writing a few articles on the nature of habits, and their importance to our daily lives, I was asked what my own habits are. I hadn’t alluded to many before because I think everyone will have different habits which work well for them, and of course, different ones they are trying to break.



Trudy Horsting
Living Out Loud

Writer. PhD Candidate. Frugal Traveler. Passionate about health, personal growth, and saving money.