The Things I learned from Dating a Mexican Millionaire

Here’s 5 things I learned about money, racism and girlfriends

Anna Foga
Living Out Loud


Photo by Tyler Harris on Unsplash

I have always been somebody who doesn’t care about money, living most of my life on a budget. I am a traveler and I usually try to stay away from the money-focused society, preferring to spend my days lazing away in a hammock with other backpackers. When I met my now-boyfriend on Tinder, I thought he would be just like any other random Tinder match. Even when we had our first date, I did not recognise the signs that he could be ultra-rich. Sure, he paid for everything and picked one of the most expensive restaurants in town, but for all I knew he was just trying to impress me.

As our dating life evolved, I started to realise he was not just the average Joe (or Juan). We always stayed in the fanciest hotels, had the nicest dinners and our weekend getaways were dripping in luxury. His gifts consisted of the newest Apple products to $3,000 plane tickets and even a car landed on my doorstep at one point.

Mexico is infamous for narcos and cocaine, and for a while I wondered if his money came from those sources. Was I starting to develop feelings for a drug dealer? During the course of our relationship I realised that was not the case and while I know now that not every Mexican rich guy is involved with…



Anna Foga
Living Out Loud

Trying to be a fearless writer on topics most people don’t want to talk about