There Is a Time in Life

A poem

Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

There is a time in life,
Where you can’t comprehend anything.
Every choice, every emotion simply feels like an illusion.

There is a time in life,
When you feel every move is a wrong one,
You take left you take right,
But the dead end is the only thing you come across.

There is a time in life,
Where you feel to be dreaming is the best state to be in,
As in dreams you can be whoever you want, completely happy or just drown in misery.

There is a time in life,
When nothing seems to work,
No conversation, no quote,
Can heal the pain and scars that hurt.

Then there is a time in life,
When you want to press reset,
Like how you erase the writings on a whiteboard,
And just want to start afresh.

When you feel that void and loneliness,
Just take off or cut off from everything.
Because when you live with just yourself,
You then seem to find the answer to everything.

It’s important to have a conversation with yourself,
Some may even tell you that you’ve gone mad,
But they don’t know the strength it takes,
To convince your mind amidst this cruel world at hand.

The next time you feel that nothing makes sense,
No matter how much you try to search every nerve your body possessed,
Just don’t stress and just take a moment and breathe,
Who knows,
Maybe it’s a way of life showing you a path ahead,
that you never thought was possible even in your wildest dreams.



Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.