This June — Embrace Everything New

June LOL Prompts

Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud
3 min readJun 2, 2022


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Here we go.

June has knocked on our door. When I was in school, June would mark the end of summer vacations. It would leave a bitter-sweet taste in the mouth topped with the anxiety of starting a new school year.

How would the school year be? Will I make new friends? Will I survive the tests the new year will put in front of me.

These and many more questions would leave me anxious and to make it even more gloomy, rains would come pouring down.

Since then, June for me would mark the month of new beginnings. It would prepare me to let go and not think about the unknown. After all, when things aren’t in your control, how much can you control?

Thus, this month, LOL prompts will be all about new beginnings. It could be anything that we may be looking forward to or anything that we wish to let go. It could be finally saying goodbye to emotions that kept us weighing down from seeing the sunshine in our lives or it could be making a conscious effort to start from a clean slate.

No matter what your reason, lets focus on something new this month. A task, a routine or a person. Let’s explore something new.

Below are a few quotes that inspired me this month. After reading them if you would like to share your thoughts about new beginnings, please do.

1. “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” — T.S. Eliot

2. “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” — John Pierpont “J.P.” Morgan

3. “Beginnings could happen more than once or in different ways.”- Rachel Joyce

4. “Let’s forget the baggages of the past and make a new beginning.” — Shahbaz Sharif

5. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” — Lao Tzu

That’s all folks. Let this month fill you up with new experiences. Let yourself free everything or everyone that stops you from growing, exploring and being happy. Let June be the month where you discover the new you.

Feel free to submit your response wherever and whenever your heart desires. Do tag me ‘@sujonachatterjee’ so that I don’t miss your amazing response.

Have a wonderful day and month ahead.



Julia E HubbelGerthy Bingoly | Catherine Evans | Jennifer M. Wilson
Wistful writer | Genius TurnerKate Mackay | David Gerken | Kevin Horton Kevin Ervin Kelley, AIA | Kate Conradie | Cynthia WebbElna Cain | Deeksha AgrawalRosie Wylor-Owen | Clarrisa Lee | George FreyBeth PrenticeKaia Maeve Tingley | Em Hoccane | Ana Ryan | Kara SummersMichael Grimes | Anna Foga | Albert Heemeijer — Author at Balboa / HayHouseSurbhi Tak Ellen McRaeAnna & RyanHKB Amanda Clark-Rudolph | John Gruber | Lisa RichardsMargaret Pan Sujona ChatterjeeTaryn Watson | Kamay WilliamsLS K Ann Francesco Rizzuto GranPa-Festus | Khadejah Jones | Anand Choudhury | Danielle Urciullo | Floyd Mori Trudy Horsting | Hugo BertrandEmma LondonLucas R. MarmorAkarsh Yangxier SuiNicole MaharajB Shantae Ashley NicoleKendra DKaty GarnerSpiritNatasha Marie Naba K. Manj Bahra Jade M. Georgia Dimitrious | Jennifer Jones | Nataly U | The Unconventional Social Worker | Linda Kowalchek | Beatrice Causey | Yiqing Zhao | Gina SiderisThasanya Jayasumana | Syed ZaidiRebecca Ruth Gould | Shoily | Margaret Sitawa | Harley Christensen | Ananya Misra MaaKEuphemia Alden Lajuanda Lilease G. | Teresa Sochacka Renton Leah LauTiffany G | Libby Shively McAvoy | John Emmanuel | Lauren WarligaNatalya Permyakova Loren Lieberthal | Suma NarayanAlice | Marcus



Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.