What Makes a Woman Memorable?

It’s not what you see in the media.

Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud
Published in
6 min readJul 22, 2021


There are so many mixed messages and pressure on what men expect from a woman nowadays. I mean, it is so easy to get confused when we are bombarded with “touched-up” images that show us how to be desirable. Not to mention, swamped with articles telling us what we should be wearing, doing, saying, or not saying if we want men to find us alluring — memorable.

But a woman doesn’t need to look like a supermodel to be memorable. She doesn’t need to be perfect. At all. A woman may do everything “right” to attract a partner and still find herself alone.

She can take etiquette classes, read endless self-help books, work out five days a week, and buy sexy clothes.

Still, there is no guarantee that she’ll find a mate. At least, a decent one.

It’s inevitable — every woman eventually finds out that lasting connections are based on so much more than her outer appearance — what she wears, the shape of her body, the shade of her lipstick.

Sure, those things contribute to first impressions, but what makes a woman memorable is much less about her clothes and more about who she is — her spirit and inner substance.

Quite a few years ago, a good friend jokingly referred to my ex-boyfriends as my “Old…



Kim Petersen
Living Out Loud

Award-winning & Bestselling Author | HH Prac. (Hol.Meta.Heal) | Writing About Soul. Love. Humor. Spirituality. Life. Relationships | https://kimpetersen.com.au/