When April and Health Go Hand in Hand

April LOL Prompts

Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud


Photo by Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash

April is my special month. I was born on the 28th of April, you see. So, forgive me if I am a bit biased towards April. More on all that later. I really want to focus on is the fact that the 7th of April is celebrated as World Health Day, which is something to think about.

We all have been through or experienced someone else going through a health crisis. Losing someone due to a health scare may have woken us up from our lazy streak. We also realised that being a size zero doesn't mean one is fit on the inside. Being healthy is more about how you feel than what we present to the camera.

So, this month let's focus on those tasks that help you feel fresh. Let's be grateful and take a moment to indulge in those activities that we can do that aid in our mental and physical well-being.

Therefore, here are a few prompts to help focus on the stuff that feels good (health-wise).

1. Three non-negotiable activities I do to take care of my health.

2. My definition of health and fitness.

3. When this life-changing moment made me realise the importance of taking care of myself.

That's all, folks. Take care of yourself. Even the most minor effort counts. Although I won't be able to refrain from enjoying a tempting slice of chocolate cake for my birthday, I will try and be mindful of my health for the rest of the days. Wish me luck. 😉

As always, you can work on these prompts whenever your heart and mind feel like it. So submit them wherever you want and tag a friend or two if your wish. You may also add 'Living Out Loud' as one of the five tags before submitting.

Have a fantastic and healthy April.




Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.