Why Crying At Movie Endings Is a Strength and Not a Weakness

It’s okay to feel everything.

Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud
5 min readAug 27, 2021


“We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain.”

— Alan Watts

If you’ve ever seen a Hindi movie or a Bollywood movie, it is a roller coaster of a story with heightened emotions mixed with songs and dance. However, not all Hindi movies are like that. Some stories are genuinely thought-provoking without the dancing and over-the-top drama that makes you cry towards the end.

I, too, have cried towards the end after watching some emotionally wrecking movies. Now, most people would laugh at my sensitivity, but I take it with a pinch of salt and then take my time to get over it.

Yes, I somehow get entirely involved in the story, so much that I have a hangover of the characters, and I see myself in them. I picture myself in it, and I need to detox by reading something light-hearted or listening to happy songs.

Why Me?

When I think about this emotional side of my being, I often question myself — why am I this dynamic? Why do I get affected so much by watching something on the screen? Why do the after-effects of a movie have such a long-lasting impact on me? Am I too sensitive, or am I blessed with an ability to be a bit more empathetic towards others?

Unfortunately, in today’s world, we have to toughen up. If we are seen as weak, we lose out on opportunities and get slapped with a label of being incompetent. You see, being sensitive towards people’s emotions robs you of those opportunities that require strong-minded individuals who would happily comply with people’s nasty emotional games to get to the top.

For people like me who would have sleepless nights thinking we are doing wrong, that person won’t survive a day in this cut-throat competition. But, unfortunately, that is what I am told quite often by people in the corporate world.

So how does a soul that feels so much survive in this ruthless world?

Be You Even If the World Says Otherwise

Your kindness may be taken for granted, but it kills people, and they cannot fathom how you remained this way despite the hostile attitude of others. That’s what sets you apart and keeps people guessing about how you didn’t follow the herd.

Yes, you may be treated horribly or told that don’t be so sweet like I am told. But maybe we are meant to stand out. Perhaps we are meant to heal while others inflict pain. And to me, all of this means that we are gifted as we did not succumb to the hate that damaged countless souls.

Kindness Has a Limit

Being kind does not give anyone the right to walk all over you. Unfortunately, we must stand up for ourselves if we are treated with disrespect. Your kindness will outshine no matter how many people try to smother your image with hate talk. But that’s their pain talking. You be you and shine with your work and your radiant attitude.

You’re Not Weak — You’re Way Stronger, and You Don’t Even Realise It

When someone narrates their struggles and how they have dealt with pain, people like us have difficulty keeping our tears from falling. You want to be strong and help this person see the light no matter how hard it’s been for them to make it this far. So you try your best and narrate how to deal with this pain based on your own experience. But once you’re home and think about that conversation, it gets too much, and you want to vent.

You must be wondering why do I feel so much. Why can’t I be like others and not get affected by all this? With time I have stopped questioning myself. I tell myself that feeling with this intensity is a gift that many want to shun. But the more we try to run away from how we are, the more it haunts us and keeps us feeling uneasy.

Instead of running away from it, we must embrace it. We must value this gift where people feel comfortable talking to you about what’s bothering them. They have a safe space to vent, and that, to me it’s a strength like no other.

Let Your Work Do the Talking

Over time I realised I could not change what I am born with. If I feel too much, that’s just a gift I am blessed with. So yes, I cannot follow the herd and be ruthless. But what I can do is work bloody hard and show my talents.

It might take as long as you cannot kiss ass like your other colleagues, but your work will get noticed when it brings in results. My teachers would say that no matter how many clouds surround the sky, the sun rays will shine through them, and so does your hard work. And that’s always worked for me, even without the ass-kissing. It may take longer, but it’s worth it.

Ignore the Noise

You won’t survive; you have to toughen up; you’ve got to be sterner. Yes, you must, and you will when it’s required. You see, if you need people to take you seriously, unfortunately, you have to get your voice heard. But that doesn’t mean you need to let go of your kindness completely.

We all listen to countless opinions and unwanted advice. But we can choose to listen to it and which views are worth our time. Over time you understand who has your best interests at heart. And eventually, everything else will be background noise.

So, feel everything. Have an emotionally rich life, and don’t be shy to cry at movie endings. It’s not a sign of being weak. It’s a sign that you feel, and how many people can feel everything? If you look at it from my perspective, it’s a gift like no other. A gift that only a few people are fortunate enough to be blessed with.

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Sujona Chatterjee
Living Out Loud

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.