The Journey Of Viale Monza 335

Martic Ksenija
Living Streets LAB
Published in
6 min readMay 25, 2020
today | before

“BEFORE” Viale Monza 335 | beginnings

Endings often take us back to the beginnings and make us think about the path that has brought us to this moment in time.

From the very beginning of our journey, getting to know the assigned location — Viale Monza 335, we realized its potential and how special it could be. At first glance, this zone is perceived as devastated area, zone of conflicts and irrationalities, zone with a lot of problems. With courage, we embraced these ‘disadvantages’ and started looking for a way turn them into something special and unique.

The most distinctive feature of this space is conflict. It is readable through relationships on every level — spatial, social and programmatic. Inadequately defined space without the ability to support and facilitate functions needed by neighborhood, misunderstanding and conflict of groups of users of the space, no sense of community among inhabitants and poor sense of safety and desire to stay in this place are just a few examples representing the existing conditions and relationships in our location. After careful analysis, both spatial and social, we decoded the space, learned about users’ needs and desires and started to think of the way to solve it by implementing our vision of what this space could become.

Introducing urban gardening and art & culture as tools to create a common ground for elements, activities and users of the space, was a first step towards re-thinking Viale Monza 335.

CONCEPT | Symbiosis

Before focusing on designing the space, we wanted to establish a general concept. With guiding idea to bring together the people, nature, elements of the space and functions, we chose the logic behind the natural process known as Symbiosis as basis for our project.

def. Symbiosis (Greek — συμβίωσις “living together”) — interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association.

There are a few different results of a symbiotic relationship, and what we try to achieve in our space is a condition of mutualism: symbiosis beneficial to both organisms involved. Our goal is to create a space where relationships between entities involved are always beneficial to all parties.

Duality of our space was recognized on more than one level which implied that concept should be present on all levels and in all forms. We classified implementation of our concept in 2 categories — first one regarding different scales of symbiosis and the other regarding relationships formed inside of the space.

Scales of symbiosis are presented between:

Project + individual — the project provides each individual an enjoyable public space, while each individual maintains the project and helps it grow.

Project + community — the project provides the community with an inclusive environment and activity for all, bringing them together, while the community maintains the project and provides input for its further development.

Project + city — the project gives the city a recognizable mark with positive identity, while city funds a part of the project.

On the other hand, relationships formed inside the space following the logic of symbiosis are:

between nature and people, between structure and context, between divergent modules, between different activities and between different users.

2020 | after

“AFTER” | 2020

The project for 2020 was done using tactical urbanism tools and practices. What was very important for this stage of project development was to design a space mainly created for community, to involve them as much as possible, to respect their needs and activities and to focus on creating a new, recognizable, positive identity of Viale Monza 335.

The space was envisioned as a combination of variety of inclusive activities that are overlapping inside of it, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between them, but with a clear zoning and dedicated spaces to host them. The idea of gardening was used as a generator of activities along with cultural and artistic themes, while art was used as the main aesthetic expression of the space.

Space is shaped by a structure which is spreading organically according to community’s needs and desires, ensuring symbiosis on more than one level’. It was designed as a modular structure with a module 50x50cm as a main building unit of the space.

Special attention was put in creation of thematic modules — having in mind their appearance, function, way of assembly and interconnection. We created 5 main groups of them: garden module, artistic module, sitting and relaxing module, street modules, queue modules.

In this phase of the project we used more accessible and inexpensive materials, such as shipping pallets which the majority of space was built from, ground paint in order to bring life to the space, range of plants suitable for the specific conditions and other materials that were provided by community and donations.

As a pilot project, this solution should build community spirit, improve user’s wellbeing and ensure that Viale Monza 335 has a positive connotation.

2030 | beyond

“BEYOND”| 2030

Aim for the 2030 project goes beyond the neighborhood. Main goal was to create a recognizable landmark in the city and connect it on micro and macro scale. Considering the permanence of the project, special attention was given to the material used to build the new structure and the aesthetic, sculptural appeal of it.

Following the general concept established as a guiding idea for both projects, this phase of project development was based on implementation of all activities, spatial relationships and others elements of space that will be tested through the design of 2020. Tactical urbanism project will help us to single out which elements of the project were accepted, appreciated and should be further developed through 2030 and established as permanent elements of Viale Monza 335.

Regarding the spatiality of the project’s design we kept the zoning and module placement logic from the previous phase, with aim to define each module group more precisely and create a continuous structure that connects all groups of modules, allowing symbiosis of all elements.

Activity wise, one of the aims for the Viale Monza 335 project for 2030 was to place it on the Milan activity map. This place was envisioned to host range of different inclusive cultural activities — events, workshops, exhibitions etc. One of the most recognizable activity of this space would be the “Sunday market” which would introduce fresh energy and flow of people every week, as well as thematic fairs during the summer/winter seasons.

Unconventional assembly of structure, inspired by the research of Kengo Kuma, was additionally enhanced by using acetylated wood, that will ensure the durability of structure and aesthetic appeal through years. Having a wooden construction in combination with lots of greenery and pops of colors, will create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere, giving this space a recognizable positive identity.

RESUME | the end

Creating the condition of mutualism and different scales of symbiosis as the ‘project + individual’, the ‘project + community’ and the ‘project + city’ will establish the space on multiple levels. Spatially, as well as socially. Trough implementation of the project, relationships inside and outside the neighborhood are going to be built and will help to strengthen the community during upcoming years.

Starting in 2020, using tactical urbanism as a pilot for the future design and a tool for fast results, focus is on the community. Idea is based on involving the community in forming a new, inclusive space, with a strong positive identity. Building the community spirit, and improving the life standard are the most imporant features of the “after” 2020 vision.

Ten years later in 2030, basing our vision on the pilot project, our aim is to make this project not just a spatial landmark, but also a social one. The tactical design of 2020 will be modified based on the community input, but the ground principals for the project will stay the same, now strengtened and solidified for the “beyond” 2030 vision.

We believe that the square at ‘Viale Monza 335’ is going to be transformed into a positive landmark, celebrating all the potentials of this place that were disguised as obstacles.

Team 9:

Danica Pavicevic, Daniela Pérez, Lotta Petersen, Natalia Romero, Ksenija Martic

